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Now for past week action
First off is the latest CYAA magazine. Issue
43. Now printed and posted
Here’s the update to the CYAA Magazine Issue 43
posted on CYAA Web site Sept 24th
Our first wave Covid-19 restrictions were to be in
force for six weeks. For our member and ex
President, Mark Chew, enforced idleness was not
an option, it was an opportunity. Mark used the
CYAA Instagram site to post forty two (6 weeks x 7
days=42) boats using a criteria to develop a list of
active and floating boats that represent Australian’s
wooden sailing boats. Over those 42 days, the
Instagram world following of this list developed into
significant numbers on a global scale.
For the CYAA, it was considered a project to base an magazine issue on. The magazine front cover image was
chosen on the basis, “we may have lost our Cup Regatta but we haven’t lost our Kiwi’s”. What better way to
say this that to use the painting gifted to the CYAA by our CYANZ member and friend, Tony Blake.
A printed copy of this coffee table quality CYAA magazine Issue 42 has been sent to all financial CYAA members.
To look over a digital copy in flip book style, click here. To view the digital book in pdf style click here
This project required the CYAA to work with the Curator of the Australian Historic Vessels Register, David Payne,
The magazine records a special thank you to David. Note: David has retired from his duties at the Australian National
Maritime Museum. He will continue his work in the the historic vessels field privately.
One other feature of this project was the opportunity to acknowledge the role these Classic Yachts still play today
with several families that had direct connections with these boats so many years ago.
CYAA Cup Regatta Postponed to February/March 2021 Check out the Intentions to enter notice
The plan is to conduct the postponed Cup Regatta in two stages. First stage a two day event at RYCV on the February
20 & 21 in 2021. Four races over two days. Individual race entries will be supported.The second stage event is for
March 20 & 21. A Category 7 passage race to Geelong is proposed for Saturday. A social sail back on the Sunday.
Social activity at Geelong will be either a BBQ or dinner with presentations. The CYAA is in active race management
discussions with both RYCV and RGYC. RYCV will conduct the Cat 7 compliant passage race Our Geelong based
CYAA patron, Bill Chittenden, is organising the restoration of the three Digby Trophies for reactivation as perpetual
RGYC trophies for Classic Yacht racing. The passage race will be named to recognise Ernest Digby. looking at NZ
Regatta 27/02 to 01/03, followed by America’s Cup to max 21/03, probably finish 14/03. The entry fee yet to be
decoded but close to 2019 entry fee. The CYAA will pick up any extra passage race fee’s. Cat 7 safety boat from
RYCV will be required.
New Zealand Classic Yacht Racing and
Regatta schedule
Our race schedule has been set up to allow CYAA
members good time to take in the various New
Zealand Classic Yacht and America’s Cup events.
Mahurangi Classic Yacht Racing Jan 29/31
Auckland Anniversary Regatta Feb 1 ABD Classic
Yacht Regatta Feb 28 to March 1 2021 America's
Cup racing begins on Saturday, 6 March and ends
on Sunday, 14th March. If a re race is required last
day will be the 23rd March.