Page 5 - Port Phillip Yachting History Newspaper clippings 15 June 1899 to 11th April 1891
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Table of Contents   14th Dec 1889, 1st 10th 11th 8th Feb  1890 St. Kilda YC Racing news, Brassy
                Cup won by Alfreda, A Yachtsman grievance, Deputation to the Harbour Master, A
                cruise in Australian waters by Wanderer Part one                                     24
 15th  June 1889    RYCV Elections, 3 days with a life ring and sharks, International
 Challenge Cup, Re-survey of Hobsons Bay, Steam Yacht Saide on RYCV register,   4th  Feb  1890 A cruise in australian Waters by Wanderer Part two,   26
 Severe gale in Port Phillip Bay.                           6
                15th Feb  1890 Club racing news Long intense heat, Cooeanna wins Yacht
 15th  June 1889    RYCV Elections, 3 days with a life ring and sharks, International   number should be on mainsail comment, Harbour Trust order yachts to be
 Challenge Cup, Re-survey of Hobsons Bay, Steam Yacht Saide on RYCV register,   removed from Ann St. Williamstown moorings   27
 Severe gale in Port Phillip Bay.   8
                15th 17th 22nd Feb  1890 The mooring place for yachts letter, Yacht removal
 8th & 12th July 1889 RYCV Meeting at Port Phillip hotel, Nov 1888 International   order discussion, Club racing news   28
 Regatta, New RYCV Building plans, SS Yacht Saide build details, 30 Ft. Yacht
 Navesink Allantic 40 day voyage to LeHavre, St. KYC Smoke night, HBYC formed    22nd Feb 1st March 1890 Club racing news, Portland Regatta program, HBYC
 1888 now 150 members.   10
                be-stiring itself on yacht removal problem                                           29
 26th August, 28th Sept, 5th Oct 1889 America Cup Yacht Race will not take place   1st 2nd 15th March 1890 A Perilous voyage Storm King, St. Kilda Baths, Mr. F
 this year, St, Kilda YC Smoke night & office bearers, Federal Yacht club,  Yachting in   Blunt building The Pheonix, HBYC racing news, Cooeanna wins HBYC orders two
 Australia by Judge Bundy owner of Wanderer that saied from Heads to Williamstown   streamers for spectators, RYCV race news   30
 (32NM’s) in 2hrs and 58mins Several girls and one man lost on Sydney Harbour,
 accidents rearley happen when sailing is under competent management. RYCV boat   9th 14th 15th March 1890 Yachting Racing Association meeting at Langham
 shed too small, fine yacht models on display at Port Phillip Hotel, builder H R Murray   hotel, International Yacht racing news, Storm King arrives in Capetown, Cruise of
 builder od Janet and Assagai   11
                the Wandering story                                                                  31
 St. Kilda Yacht Club Annual Report 1888-89   12
                 15th 22nd 24th 26th March 1890 Club racing news UK and America club news
                St. Kilda racing and Mornington regatta planning news Portland Regatta results
 12th  26th Oct, 2nd, 9th Nov 1889 Cleb secretaries meet at Port Phillip hotel to decide   Portland Regatta story from Portland Guardian   32
 opening dates, HBYC Build a fine boat shed, RYCV abandon pland for St. Kilda based
 club house, Fours yachts at Blunt’s of Geelong, photgraps of Victorian yachts at RYCV   28th March(Hamilton Spectator), 29th March 1890 Melb to Portland Ocean
 meeting, Yacht racing in england in unsatisfactory state, HBYC AGM, new boat shed   voyage (race) stories   33
 opened, marine paintings by Pilot Press and Mr. Gregory. Alert leaves Southampton
 for treasure hunt voyage. Lord Dunraven comment on lawyers and America cup deed   5th April 1890 Portland Regatta and Ocean race stories Mornington Regatta
 of gif, St Kilda YC season opening with 40 or 50 boats   16
                results                                                                              34
 18th Oct, 29th Nov, 7th Dec 1889 Jorgensen boat voayage to Australia, Wander   12th April 1890 Mornington Regatta Monthly RYCV meeting Ocean Race stories
 arrives in Adelaide, StKYC hold first race American admit Fyfe designed Minerva is   continue       35
 superior Sydney’s  RPAYC and RSYS race card, Paddy’s hurricane on Port Phillip.
 RYCV commodore sponsors two trophies   17  17th 19th 28th April 1890 Australian Yachtsman in England. Mr. C. G. Millar Club
                racing news Ocean Race letter from Arthur Peck                                       36
 10th 14th 21st Dec 1889 Port Phillip club racing news , Smoke night at Albert Park
 Yacht Club   18
                16th 26th  April 5th 10th May 1890 Club racing news Albert Park Regatta under
                patronage of the Govoner, RYCV boat shed additions Ocean Race disputes
 28th Dec 1889, 4th,  11th Jan 1890 RYCV presents welcome address to Governor,   continue, Mordialloc Regatta   37
 Yacht Racing Association news, Cruising to Scnapper Point news, Tamar Regatta,
 Cruising East Coat of Tasmania story   19  17th 24th 31st May 1890 Ocean Race to Portland letters continue RYCV office
                Bearers elected All principal yachts now laid up Sydney amateurs season closes
 2nd Nov 1889  An 1845 Port Phillip yacht “Midge”cruising story   20
                RYCV Club dinner HBYC Club dinner                                                    38
 8th 18th 25th Jan 1890 Club racing news Yachtsmen and marine painting exhibitions,   7th 14th 21st 28th June 1890 Yacht Racing Association rules RYCV AGM Past
 HBYC Ërin”at Blunts Geelong, RYCV member Alley JP bid Bon Voayage   21  seaon retrospective Storm King Captain Jorgensen interviewed mid ocean.   39

  18th, 20th,  Jan 1890 RYCV racing news, Fishermen missing from Beaumaris, St.    28th June 2nd 5th July 1890 Off Season festivities at all clubs Treasurer seeker
 Kilda YC racing news   22
                on Alert returns to UK with no doubloons                                             40
 25th Jan 1st 4th 6th 8th Feb  1890 Club racing news Mr. F Blunt’s boat Mikado on   12th 19th 26th  July 2nd August 1890 RYCV Monthly meeting Harbour Trust
 Cario Bay,  Captain Kenny’s baths construction problem   23
                notice on Port Melbourne pier protection Storm King arrives in Albany HBYC
                dinner report Yachts still lying up RYCV register list                               41

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