Page 7 - Port Phillip Yachting History Newspaper clippings 15 June 1899 to 11th April 1891
P. 7

9th August 1890 Brighton Yacht club annual concer Lloyds Register listings A   7th Feb 1891 St. Kilda and HBYC race descriptions Commodore Press presents
 famous voyage The heroes of the mystery Captain Jorgensen   42  junior trophy The Saide arrives in Hobart 6 guests and crew of 22 Tamar Regatta
                Extracts from Janet cruising logLadies day at Brighton YC  Crew to be club members.
 16th 23rd 25th August 1890 RYCV Monthly meeting Intercolonial Yachting   Maybe passengers first then useful sailors Broken rudders are no problem as they are
 conference proposal New America Cup deed of gift problems LocalYachts yet to be   underwater so people wont notice’. True story from Brighton YC Krone trophy
 placed in commission J H Alley letter from UK  Voyage of the Storm King   43  competition Cooeanna wins   59

 26th 30th August 1890 Voyage of the Storm King Official reception of Captain   14th  Feb 1891 Brighton YC annual ladies day  Cruising log of Janet Sail numbers
 Jorgensen Brightom Yacht club annual dinner   45  required for reporting by coat stations Race report round up St. Kilda YC open race
                description                                                                              60
 29th August 6th 13th 19th Sept 1890 St. Kilda YC AGM Storm King at the
 Waxworks RYCV monthly meeting Scandinavian Society banquet for Captain   14th 21st  Feb 1891 St. Kilda race in double reef northerly conditions Mornington
 Jorgensen HBYC, Brighton & St. Kilda to have aYacht Association formation meeting   Regatta arrangements First class racing dornmant in Aust. UK and America Saide
 RYCV not invited.  Cambria to become apalm oil trader   46  returns from Hobart story St. Kilda open race description Camilla a jewel of the first
                water  Proves she’s a pear. Success attributed to her builder, owner and skipper         61
 27th Sept 4th 11th 18th October 1890 RYCV racing season to commence 22 Nov
 Clyde cutter “Minerva”revolutionising racing in America. UK yachting news  Yachting   28th  Feb 1891 HBYC annual open race description  29 yachts largest field ever in
 season commences in Sydney RYCV organising intercolonial yachting conference   Victoria Splindid victory for Cooeeana   62
 American Cup deed of gift news   47
                7th 14th March 1891 International Yacht Race  UK’s Lieuenant Henn stirs up New
 25th October 1st 11th November 1890 HBYC has 206 finiancial members Club   York  HBYC Open race description Big success for HBYC Taniwha return from
 house completed with slipway & jetty Engaged steamers well patronised List of office   Warnambool after rough weather. Trip to Tasmania shortly RYCV Commodores Cup
 bearers Club Season opening day descriptions Sherriff’s Court in Glasgow case with   for Corinthian crews   63
 fare paying passengers Adelaide Yacht Club has admiralaty permission to fly the blue
 ensign HBYC annual report Geelong yachting on Corio Bay report   48  10th 14th March 1891 Centreboard against fixed keel question at Mornington
                Regatta  Reply by the secretary Mornington Programme The centre plate difficulty St.
 8th 18th 22nd  November 1890 Club opening day reports English Yachting season   Kilda race A few seconds seperate three boats Mornington Regatta program Club
 closed Speacial general meeting to consider Victorian Yacht racing association   racing reports         64
 Intercolonial conference of yachtmen Yachting in Tasmania St. Kilda hold first race of
 the season Tame RYCV evolutions   49  28th March 4th April 1891 Janet dismantled, laying up at the Bend First class races
                almost as rare as American Cup races Encourgement to Morning Regatta organisers
 22nd 29th  November 1890 RYCV opening day description Absurb class distinction   RYCV race description  Preparations for Easter cruising and Mornington and
 Club boats withdraw from racing with Port Melbourne due to being owned by   Frankston Regatta’s Plan to tax yachts coming to America Performance improvement
 fishermen RYCV race description   50  after change from centre board to fixed keel Fiofe Minerva beats all yachts designed
                by Burgess St. Kilda mayor presents trophy  St. Kilda Commodore Morkham trophy
 6th 13th December 1890 VYRA comments. Low chance of HBYS plans happening   race description Mornington Regatta description   65
 Fishermen not amateaurs issue st. Kilda yacht rasce description RYCV monthly
 meeting HBYC junior members race Brighton yacht club race had no wind RYCV B   11th 14th  April 1891 Weather prevents successful Easter cruising Continued
 Class no race no entries due to holidays   51  success for Cooeeana a great thron in the side to other owners Portland Regatt
                produces some close racing Frankston Regatta letter about Cooeeana winning
 St. Kilda Annual Report 1889-90   52  margin. Rumor of crew of the Ark (old Psyche)  split up.          66

 16th 20th December 1890 St. Kilda race disappointing to spectators St. Kilda clubs   14th  April 1891 Letters from St. Kilda Yacht Club to the Editor of the Sporting
 open race description  RYCV Cruising plans South Australia Yacht club opening day   Standard            67
 description Yachting on the Derwent description   56

 27th December 1890 3rd 10th Jan 1891 Port Melb YC only club racing  RYCV
 members intend to cruise round TasmaniaMr Millar returns from England Portland
 Regatta talk Antarctic Exploration Fund BallStorms in Atlantic, Wreck of steam yacht
 Catronia Corio Sailing club Club member cruising news Royal Victorian Yacht Club of
 England International Challenge Cup detail’s   57

 17th 31st Jan 1891 Racing in full swing. Club racing descriptions Cruising logs of
 Janet, Pert and Erin Taniwha placed in commission   58

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