Page 17 - Workbook-chapter 2
P. 17

There are three groups of models based on analysis. The amount of the lower heat value (LHV)

          -  Hn  (Kcal/kg)  can  be  estimated  by  compositional  analysis,  proximate  analysis,  and  ultimate
          analysis [3].

           Physical Composition              Proximate Analysis             Ultimate Analysis

           Conventional equation:            Traditional equation:          Dulong's equation:
           Hn = 88.2R + 40.5(G + P) - 6W   Hn = 45B - 6W                    Hn = 81C + 342.5(H - O/8) +

                                             Bento's equation:              22.5S - 6(9H + W)

                                             Hn = 44.75B - 5.85W + 21.2  Steuer's equation:
                                                                            Hn = 81(C - 3×O/8) +

                                                                            57×3×0/8 + 345(H - O/16) +

                                                                            25S - 6(9H + W)
                                                                            Scheurer-Kestner's equation:

                                                                            Hn = 81 (C - 3×O/4) + 342.5H +

                                                                            22.5S + 57×3×0/4 - 6(9H + W)
           Heat  values  for  the  individual  waste  materials  can  be  approximated  by  using  the  equation

           known as the modified Dulong formula:

                                  E (kJ/kg) = 337C + 1419(H – 0.125O) + 93S + 23N
           %weight on dry basis, where:

              R: Plastics                                                C = Carbon
              G: Garbage                                                 H = Hydrogen

              P: Paper                                                   0  = Oxygen
              W: Water                                                   S = Sulfur

              B: Combustible volatile matter

          Note: % weight on dry basis = mdry weight/msample
          Using a more direct approach, Khan et al. estimated the energy content from MSW with the

          equation: E = 0.051[F + 3.6CP] × 0.352PLR

            where E is the energy content in MJ/kg, F the percent by weight food in the waste, CP the
          percent cardboard and paper and PLR the percent plastic and rubber.

            Refuse can be characterized as being made up of organic materials, inorganic materials, and

          water. Moisture and inorganics (e.g., ash) will diminish the heat of combustion in a sample. Thus,
          the energy content of MSW on dry weight of sample (after drying) is the higher heat value (HHV).

          In treatment engineering, LHV is more important than HHV although LHV is lower than HHV

          Moisture - free (dry basis): HHV = LHV (as discarded) × 100%/(100% - %moisture)
          Dry ash - free dry basis:     HHV = LHV (as discarded) × 100%/(100% - %moisture - %ash )

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