Page 20 - Workbook-chapter 2
P. 20

The above compounds serve as a substrate for a wide range of micro - and macroorganisms

          important in composting and other biological processing. All of these organic components can be
          biologically converted into gases and relatively stable organic and inorganic solids [6].

            The biodegradability of the organic fraction of MSW can be determined via simple laboratory

          tests for volatile solids and lignin content. The biodegradability factor can be calculated by the

                                                 BF = 0.83 - 0.028LC [1]

            where BF represents the biodegradable fraction expressed on a volatile solids basis and LC
          the lignin content of the volatile solids expressed as a percent of dry weight.

          Wastes  with  high  lignin  contents  such  as  newspaper  and  cardboard  tend  to  be  of  low
          biodegradability. Materials with a low lignin content, for example food wastes and grass clippings,

          tend to have a high biodegradability.

           2.11 Toxic/hazardous waste

            Increased technological complexity and population densities have resulted in the identification

          of a new type of pollutant, commonly called a hazardous substance.

            The  term  hazardous  substance  or  hazardous  waste  is  difficult  to  define,  and  yet  a  clear

          definition  is  necessary  if  specialized  disposal  standards  are  to  be  applied  to  such  materials.

          Simply defined, a hazardous waste is a waste with properties that make it dangerous or capable
          of having a harmful effect on human health or the environment. According to G. Tchobanoglous,

          the basic federal categories for hazardous waste determination are:
            •  Ignitability

            •  Corrosivity
            •  Reactivity

            •  Toxicity

          The US Regulation
          Title 40: Protection of Environment in subpart CC - Air Emission Standards for Tanks and

          Containers. Part 261 - Identification and listing of hazardous waste.                           More
          The regulation in VN

          36/2015/TT-BTNMT: Về quản lý chất thải nguy hại. Ngày hiệu lực 30.06.2015.                      More

           2.12 Transformation processes

            Both chemical and biological transformation processes typically involve change in phase (e.g.,
          solid to gas)  while physical transformation do not. Typically waste transformations are used:

             •  to improve the efficiency of solid waste management systems
             •  to recover reusable and recyclable materials

             •  to recover conversion products and energy

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