Page 24 - Workbook-chapter 2
P. 24

E3.  Estimate the energy content from MSW, using the Khan’s equation

                Components                                 % by wt

                Paper products                                  25
                Corrugated cardboard                            15

                Plastics                                          6
                Glass                                             8

                Metals                                          12
                Food waste                                      15

                Ash, dirt, misc.                                19
                Total                                          100

          E4.  For the following waste mixture,

                Components                            % by Wt         Uncompacted Bulk Density (kg/m )

                Paper products                              39                                       16.00
                Ferrous                                     10                                         3.50

                Food wastes                                 26                                         1.90
                Yard wastes                                 25                                         2.60

               What is the bulk density for the waste mixture prior to compaction?

               Assume that the compacted density in the landfill cell is 575 kg/m . Estimate the volume
               reduction (expressed as %) during compaction in the landfill.

          E5.  The higher heating value for cellulose, C6H10O5 is 32,500 kJ/kg. Determine the lower

               heating value.
          E6.   Given data for the following waste sizes, calculate the arithmetic mean, the geometric mean

               and the weighted mean of particle size distribution.

                                                                    Sieve size (mm)
           Particle diameter (mm)                   100                 75                50                25

           Weight of fraction (kg)                     9                12                28                 8

           Number of particles                      450              1200              2500              5250

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