Page 5 - 임은진 작가 e-book 2022 05 21 pdf
P. 5
Title : Web of Existence
Materials and Techniques :
Objects, iron, paper, cloth, paint; Also featuring
light installations.
Size : 6m×3m
Year of Existence : 2021
Lim Eun Jin
Here lie s an “α” (alpha), existence meets the web of
where the memories and another’s existence, illuminating
consciousness of a being are each other, bonding with each
stored. No, memories stuffed other, interacting endlessly with
deep beyond the consciousness one another, and coexisting
of which existence is not together in the endless world of
conscious. It is a transparent “α” Indrajāla.
Familiarity of being in harmony
Suddenly, the transparent “α” with another gradually exhausts
(alpha), who had fallen asleep one’s existence through wounds,
as if dead, wakes up and sets sorrows, and boredom, and
out to find a way to heal itself. perhaps even act as a force of
The skeletons of yesterday,
destruction, threatening even
the relationships that exist
one’s very existence. In order to
today, and tomorrow's dreams,
overcome this and heal, a being
grow like hair strands one by
finally escapes and transcends
one, connecting to each other,
the old Indrajāla with their own
multiplying endlessly, to finally
will to face an attractive virtual
create a web of existence. In
existence, and happily infiltrates
a hyper-connected society
into a new virtual world in
in which people, things,
search of the origin of a pure
and networks are intricately
child-like existence.
connected, the web of one’s