Page 3 - 김애경 작가 e-book 2022 05 14
P. 3

Artist statement

                             What is drawing?

                             The curiosity that came to me in          The course of dropping and pulling
                             my 20s became the energy in my            out paints is my most difficult
                             small life. Also, it was the main         gesture and it is my own language.
                             driving force. It was the hidden          Your gestures in your life, scattered
                             power that pushed me further and          in the world which I have survived
                             forward. The countless artists who        that makes so priceless, are my
                             had blinked through the mankind           own gestures and we all become
                             were my unknown mentors. I have           one with love.
                             learned fantasy from Chagall and
                                                                       People easily say today is a flood
                             agony from Munch. And without
                                                                       age  of  images.  The  boundary
                             a doubt, they have breathed with
                                                                       between  virtual  and  real  is
                             me and showed me the way. It was
                                                                       getting  thinner  and  art  works
                             truly a happiness and those were
                                                                       are  represented  someone’s
                             blessed days.
                                                                       imagination rather than objective
                             I  adore  the  magic  of  colors.  I      interpretation of an object. All the
                             cherish the emotions of expressions       roads in the world already have no
                             of beings. I believe you feel the         limit. If someone walks, that will be
                             same way. I believe we all are on         the way.
                             the same page. This is why art is
                                                                       Art work is an infinite blessing.
                             so precious and it is the barometer
                                                                       Catharsis left after each work is
                             that shows why I draw.
                                                                       infinite  bliss  which  cannot  be
                             My  art  work  is  done  through          measured. The language of this
                             various experiments on the canvas         art exhibition is reorganizing my
                             screen. These experiments become          memories, looking backon the path
                             alive  through  connection  with          I have walked through, and finding
                             my curled up, untold stories and          myself.
                             stand up still dressed in colors.
                                                                       I will life harder, be more immersed
                             Reinterpreted visually with my
                                                                       in and feel more relieved toward
                             own daily, personal stories, a new
                                                                       my more mature life. I will be one
                             history  is  created  with  unique
                                                                       step closer to the proposition of
                                                                       “WHAT IS ART”.

                                            K  I  M    A   E  -  K  Y  U  N  G
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