Page 5 - markandeya – The death conqueror
P. 5


               long time it demands. In this process of giving such attention, one has to bear and go through
               the  temporary  pain  of  leaving  those  thoughts  which  divide  our  attention.  Any  greater
               achievement in the inner or the outer world is the result of this undivided attention on the
               chosen subject for a long time. Divided attention does not bear higher dividend and therefore
               ordinary person's achievement is not very spectacular.

               Keeping this principle of tapasya in mind, young and resolute Markandeya, took his parents'
               blessings  and  reached  the  shores  of  the  ocean  in  south  India.  He  made  a  Shiva-lingam  and
               named it Markandeshwara. He started worshipping the Lord in that form. He took dip thrice a
               day and performed a ritualistic puja with faith and love for the Lord. With only a day's puja the
               inexplicable  Lord  was  pleased  with  Markandeya  and  appeared  in  front  of  him!  Markandeya
               asked for the awaited boon, “May I be able to meditate on my Lord without any obstacle. May
               my  body  be  saved  from  death  and  may  I  have  steadfast  devotion  in  You.”  Lord  Shiva  said,
               “When death comes, remember Me, I will be there to rescue you.”

               At the speculated time of his death, the Yamadutas (servants of Yama) came to Markandeya.
               Burning with the power of his penance, they could not face him and so returned to their master
               - Yamaraja. Now, this time, Yamaraja, himself came to fetch him. At that time Markandeya was
               all  set  to  start his  ritualistic  chanting  of  the  Lord.  He  felt  a noose  round  his  neck.  When he
               opened  his  eyes  he  saw  Yama  standing  in  front  of  him.  Markandeya  requested  him,  “Oh
               reverent  Death!  Do  wait  for  a  moment  till  I  chant  my  Lord's  Maha-mrityunjaya-stotram.”
               “Death does not wait for anyone. I cannot wait for you too. Stop your bhajan, you boy! Your life
               in this world is over! Be ready to die!!” said Yama tersely.

               Because of the power of devotion and faith, Markandeya was not frightened even after seeing
               Yamraja! The effect of absolute faith is complete fearlessness. He clung to the Shiva Lingam as
               one clings to one’s mother.

               Yama  would  not  let  the  worship  be  completed,  if  his  duty  as  the  God  of  Death  was  to  be
               properly  performed.  Markandeya  could  not  be  allowed  to  live  a  minute  longer  after  the
               completion of the sixteenth year. Normally invisible to human eyes, this time Yama had been
               forced to show himself to the young boy, by virtue of the latter's intense piety and devotion to
               God. Yama threw his rope with the loop and it went and encircled Markandeya's neck and also
               the Shiva Lingam. Yama pulled him along with the Shiva Lingam.

               At that moment, Lord Shiva appeared from the Lingam. Snapping the noose, He kicked Yama on
               his  chest.  The  Lord  of  pralaya  (dissolution)  chased  Yama  with  his  powerful  trident.  After
               defeating Yama in battle to the point of death, Lord Shiva then revived him, under the condition
               that the devout youth would live forever. He said, “Yama, be gone! Don't touch this boy! He is
               my beloved devotee. He will live forever. When I have given him protection, how dare you take
               him away?”
               For this act, Shiva was thereafter known also as Kaalakalaya, meaning ‘one who brought death,
               to death himself’.
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