Page 13 - NEPALI_SB16_David2
P. 13
t/ klnZtL ;]gfn] xf/ dfg]sf
but the philistine army
lyPgg\ .
was not giving up.
t/ bfpmb / pgsf ;}Goann] 7"nf] ljho kfpFb} uP .
bfpmbn] klnZtLx¿nfO{ cfqmd0f u/]/ o:tf] ;+xf/ u/] ls
but david and his army continued to have
overwhelming triumph. david struck them
pgLx¿ ltgsf] ;fd'af6 efu] .
with such force that a fled before him .
! zd"Pn !(M*
I samuel 19:8 77
I samuel 19:8