Page 17 - NEPALI_SB16_David2
P. 17

zfpmnaf6 pDs]/ bfpmb zd"Pn cudjQmfsf] ;x/ /fdf uP /
       after escaping saul, david went to ramah--
        the hometown of the prophet samuel. he
                                                 when word reached saul that david had fled to
      zfpmnn] pgnfO{ ltgLk|lt u/]sf ;a} Jojxf/sf] ljifodf pgnfO{   bfpmb /fdf efu]/ uPsf] s'/f ha zfpmnn] yfxf kfP, ta pgn] Ps bn
      related to him everything that saul had done.  ramah he sent a detachment of soldiers to capture
                                                      dflg; pgnfO{ dfg{sf] lglDt kqm]/ Nofpg egL k7fP .
                      ;'gfOlbP .                  david and bring him back so he could ki  him.

                            bfpmb efu]sf] ;x/df
                           in the city where
                           david had fled
                          zd"Pnsf] g]t[Tjdf Ps bn
                           was a group of
                           cudjQmf tyf r]nfx¿
                            prophets and
                            disciples led
                                a:y] .
                             by samuel.

                                                                    oL cudjQmfx¿n] k/d]Zj/sf] jrg
                                                                     these prophets declared
                                                                        the word of god,
                                                                    3f]if0ff uy]{ / ;fob ;fydf ;fFuLlts
                                                                      probably a ompanied
                                                                        afhfufhf klg ahfpFy] .
                                                                      by musical instruments.
                                                      bfpmbnfO{ kqmg ha ;]gfx¿
                                                      the soldiers entered
                                                       the city to capture
                                                      ;x/ k;], ta cgf}7f] 36gf 36\
                                                       david but an unusual
                                                        thing ha ened…

                                           ! zd"Pn !(M !*–!(
                                          I samuel 19:18-19                              81
                                          I samuel 19:18-19
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