Page 19 - NEPALI_SB16_David2
P. 19
cfkm" n'ls/x]sf] ;x/df zfpmn / pgsf
with saul and his soldiers
in the town where he had
;]gfx¿nfO{ b]v]kl5 bfpmb hf]gfyg
b n hiding, david fled to
a:b} cfPsf] 7fpFlt/ efu] .
where jonathan was staying.
d}n] s] u/]sf] 5' /
have I done?
< d]/f] bf]if s] 5 < tkfO{+sf
what is my crime?
how have a wronged
a'afsf] lj?4df d}n] s] v/faL
your father that he
u/]sf] 5' / pxfFn] d]/f] Hofg
is trying to take
my life?
lng rfxg'x'G5 <
you are
ltdL dg]{5}gf}+ Û
not going
to die!
lk, my
x]/, d]/f] a'afn] dnfO{
father doesn't
gegLsg ;fgf] jf 7"nf]
do anything, great
or sma , without
s]xL klg sfd ug'{x'Gg .
confiding in
why would
lsg pxfFn] o:tf] s'/f
he hide this
daf6 lsg n'sfpg'x'GYof]
from me? it's
< of] s'/f ;To xf]Og .
not so.
ltd|f a'afn] cfˆgf] dgdf eGg'ePsf]
your father has said to
himself, “jonathan must
5, æhf]gfygnfO{ of] s'/f yfxf gxf];\,
not know this or he wi
gqtf Tof] b'Mlvt x'g]5 . Æ
be grieved.”
k/dk|e'sf] gfpFdf
surely as the
/ ltd|f] hLjgsf] zky
lord lives and
as you live, there
vfP/ d eGb5' ls ca
is only a step
t d]/f] d[To' glhs} 5 .
betwn me
and death.
h] OR5f u5f}{,
you want me
d ltd|f] lglDt ug]
to do I wi
{5' .
ef]ln cf}+;Lsf] rf8 xf], / d}n] /fhfl;t vfg}
tomoow is the new mn
festival, and I am suosed
kg]{5 t/ v]tdf uP/ n'ls/xg]5' .
to dine with the king, but
let me go and hide
olb tkfO{+sf a'afn] d]/f]
in the field.
if your
father mi es me
Vofn ug'{eof] eg] pxfFnfO{
say, “david earnestly
elglbg'xf];\, æa]yn]xddf ltgsf]
asked to huy to
bethlehem, because an
hDd} kl/jf/sf] aif]{gL alnbfg
aual sacrifice is
r9fpg'kg]{ /x]5, To;}n] pgn]
being made there
for his whole
cfu|xk"j{s labf dfu]/ uPsf
5g\ .Æ
he loses his
temper, you can
olb pxfF /L;n] r"/
be sure that he
x'g'eof] eg] pxfFn] d]/f] clxt
is determined
to harm me.
ug{ g} lrtfpg'ePsf] /x]5
egL tkfO{+nfO{
! zd"Pn @)M!–&
I samuel 20:1-7 83
I samuel 20:1-7