Page 21 - NEPALI_SB16_David2
P. 21
if I say
tomo ow
olb d}n] To;nfO{, æx]/\,
ef]ln ltd|f] cg'kl:ylt “the a ows are
you wi be
on this side of
v6\lsg]5 lsgls ltd|f] sfF8x¿ otfkl§ 5g\Æ eg]F
mi ed because
the stone”--you
your seat wi
cf;g vfln /xg]5 . eg] ltdL ;'/lIft 5f} .
are safe.
be empty.
but if I say
olb d}n] æsfF8x¿ t]/f]
“the a ows
kNnf]kl§ 5g\Æ eg]
are beyond
F eg]b]lv ltdL cfˆgf]
you”--you must
af6f] nfu .
go to the
Ph]nsf] 9'Ëfg]/ al;/
stone of ezel
fv / d Pp6f ;+s]t lbg]5'
and I wi give
you a sign--I wi
– d 9'Ëfsf] ghLs} k'Ug] u/L
sh t a ows by
sfF8x¿ xfGg]5' / Pp6f
the stone and
s]6fnfO{ tL sfF8x¿ l6Kg
send a boy to
fetch them.
k7fpg]5' .
/fhf ef]hsf] klxnf] lbg t r"k nfu] t/ bf];|f] lbg
the king kept silent the first day of the
pgn] d'v vf]n] .
feast but on the second day he spoke up.
why hasn't
bfpmb lxhf] /
david come
to the feast
cfh lsg ef]hdf
he asked
yesterday pgn] cfˆgf] kl/jf/l;t
cfPgg\ <
alnbfg r9fpgsf] lglDt
or today? me for permi ion
to go home--for a
dl;t cg'dlt dfu]/
sacrifice with his
3/ uPsf 5g\ .
you son
tF b'i6 :qLsf]
of a
5f]/f] Û
him to me--
dsxfF Nof, pm
for he must
dg}{k5{ Û
don't I
know that you
bfpmbsf] kIf lnP/
have sided with
cfkm"dfly / tFnfO{
david to your
own shame--and
hGdfpg] t]/L cfdfdfly
the shame of
cgfb/ NofPsf] 5;\
the mother
who bore
egL dnfO{ yfxf 5}
you ?!
g / <
! zd"Pn @)M!–&
I samuel 20:18-34 85
I samuel 20:18-34