Page 20 - NEPALI_SB16_David2
P. 20

dk|lt bof
          as for you,
        b]vfpm lsgls ltdL / d
         show kindne
        to your servant,
      k/dk|e'sf] ;fd' Pp6f s/f/n]
        for we are in an
           afFlwPsf 5f}F .
        agr ment before
           the lord.
           if I am
          olb d bf]ifL 5
       guilty, then ki
      eg] ltdLn] g} dnfO{ df/                                                   o:tf]
       me yourself! why
       hand me over to
     Û dnfO{ lsg ltd|f] a'afsf]                                              gxf];\ Û olb d]/f
        your father ?
                                                                              if I had the
        xftdf kg{ lbG5f} <                                                 a'afn] ltd|f] clxt g} ug{
                                                                           least inkling that
                                                                             my father was
                                                                         lrtfpg'ePsf] /x]5 eg]/ d}n]
                                                                           determined to harm
                                                                         ;'OFsf] dfq kfPsf] eP  s] d
                                                                            you, wouldn’t I
                                                                               te you?
                                                                          ltdLnfO{ atfpg] lyOg / <
                                              who wi
                                              a'afn] dnfO{
                                            te me if your
                                           cem} dfg{ rfxg'ePsf]
                                            father sti
                                             intends to
                                            s'/f dnfO{ s;n]              come;
                                              ki me?                 out into the
                                                                       let’s go
                                               atfpnf <
                                                                       xfdL v]tlt/
                                                                         hfpmF .
         d k/dk|e' O;|fPnsf k/d]Zj/sf]
        I swear by the lord, the god
        of israel, that I wi surely
        b[li6df d of] k|lt1f ub{5' ls kl;{ oxL
         sound out my father by     olb
         a]nf d d]/f a'afsf] dg 5fDg]5' Û  if he is
          this time the day after
               tomo€ow!         pxfFsf] dg ltdLk|lt
                              disposed toward           but remember to show me kindne  as long
                              /fd|} /x]5 eg], d va/
                                                        t/ d afFr'~h]n dk|lt klg s[kf b]vfpm tfls d jf d]/f]
                               you, I wi send
                                                        as I live, so that I may not be kied, or
                               k7fP/ ltdLnfO{ yfxf      kl/jf/ gdfl/pmF ––k/dk|e'n] ltd|f ;a} zq'x¿nfO{ gi6
                               word and let
                                   lbg]5' .
                                 you know.               my family--after the lord has destroyed
                                                             ul/;Sg'ePkl5 klg of] s[kf g56f];\ .
                                                               a of your enemies…

                                   but if my
                                 olb d]/f] a'afn] v/
                                 father intends
                                to harm you, may
                               faL g} ;f]Rg'ePsf] /x]5 eg]
                               the lord deal with
                               clg d}n] ltdLnfO{ s'znl;t
                                me, be it ever so
                                severely, if I do
                              eufOgF eg] k/dk|e'n] dnfO{
                                not let you know
                                and send you away
                                To;eGbf a9L u¿g\ .
                                   in peace.
                                   k/dk|e' d]/f]
                                   may the
                                 a'af;Fu x'g'eP em}F
                                 lord be with
                                 you as he has
                                ltdLl;t klg xf]pmg\ .
                                 b n with my
      84                                  I samuel 20:8-15
                                           ! zd"Pn @)M*–!%
                                          I samuel 20:8-15
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