Page 24 - NEPALI_SB16_David2
P. 24
that day david fled from saul and
of] dfG5]nfO{
To; lbg bfpmb zfpnaf6 efu]/ n'Sgsf lglDt you ca ot
went to the king of achish, one of the let this man live
klnZtL ;x/ uftsf /fhf cfsLzsxfF uP .
philistine cities, to try to hide from saul. afFRg' lbg'x'Gg ––
among us--he
is a king among
lxa|'x¿sf /fhf log}
o;}sf] ljifodf
the hebrew this is the one
x'g\ .
people! ltgLx¿n] ufPsf lyP,
they sang about--
“saul has slain his
æzfpmnn] xhf/f}F xhf/
thousands, and
nfO{ df/] t/ bfpmbn] t
david his tens of
nfvf}F nfvnfO{ .Æ
dsxfF Nofcf]
him to me
and I wi
/ d lg0f{o
ug]{5' .
t/ bfpmbnfO{ cfkm" uf]Notsf] ;x/df zq'x¿sf]
but david knew he was in the area where
goliath had come from and was regarded
cfOk'u]sf] s'/f yfxf lyof] hxfF pgnfO{ zq' 7flgGYof] . To;}n]
as an enemy so he came up with an idea…
pgn] Pp6f of]hgf /r] .
d]/f] /fHodf
o;nfO{ lsg dsxfF am I so short s] o:tfnfO{ d}n]
why bring
must this
him to me--he
of madmen
Nofp5f}, of] t af}nfxf af}nfxfx¿sf] sdL 5 / man come into
is insane! in my kingdom d]/f] 3/df /fVg' <
my house?
kf] /x]5 . ltdLx¿ o;nfO{ dnfO{
that you bring
him in front
;tfpg NofpFb5f} <
of me?
88 ! zd"Pn @! M!)–!%
I samuel 21:10-15
I samuel 21:10-15