Page 25 - NEPALI_SB16_David2
P. 25
bfpmb ToxfFaf6 pDs]/ cb'Nnfdsf] cf]8f/df uP
david left there and escaped to a
cave in adu am, about twelve miles
h'g pgsf] u[x;x/b]lv !@ dfOn 6f9f kb{Yof] .
from his hometown of bethlehem.
his family came down to visit him.
p;sf] kl/jf/ pgnfO{ e]6\g cfP .
t/ rfF8} g} si6df k/]sf,
but s n, those
who were distre ed,
C0fdf k/]sf / c;Gt'i6 ePsf
discontent or in debt
dflg;x¿ k|foM $)) hgf ltgLsxfF
gathered around david.
bfpmb cfˆgL lhh' xh"/aHo}sf] tkm{af6 df]cfaL
he quickly had a fighting his great-grandmother ruth, so he
david had moabite heritage from
hDdf eP / ltgn] n8fs'x¿sf]
force of 400 men.
Pp6f hTyf tof/ kf/] . j+zfjnLaf6 cfPsf lyP, To;}n] pgL cfˆgf] kl/jf/
went to the king of moab and asked
sf] ;+/If0fsf] nflu df]cfaL /fhfsxfF uP .
for protection for his parents.
zd"Pn cudjQmfn] zfpmnnfO{ ;xfotf /
as the prophet samuel had helped
;Nnfx lbP h:t} k/d]Zj/n] bfpmbnfO{ ;xfotf
and advised saul, so god sent
ug{ ufb cudjQmfnfO{ k7fpg'eof] .
the prophet gad to advise david.
do not stay in this
of] u9Ldf tkfO{F ga:g'xf];\
stronghold. go
. ox"bfdf uOxfNg'xf];\ .
into the land
of judah.
I wi go
d xf/]tsf] jgdf
and hide in
the forest
uP/ n'Sg]5' .
of hereth.
! zd"Pn @@M!–%
I samuel 22:1-5 89
I samuel 22:1-5