Page 26 - NEPALI_SB16_David2
P. 26
why have
x], a]GofdLgL xf], s] loz} lsg ltdLx¿n] d]/f] lj?4
listen men of
you plo ed evil
benjamin--wi the
if8oGq /Rof} / pm sxfF
sf] 5f]/fn] ltdLx¿nfO{ v] against me and not
son of je e give
told me where
tx¿ / bfvaf/Lx¿ lbP/
you fields and vine- n'ls/x]sf] 5 egL dnfO{
he is hiding?
yards and make you atfpFb}gf} <
ltdLx¿nfO{ ;]gfkltx¿
none of
co anders? ltdLx¿dWo]sf] s;}n] klg
agfOlbg]5g\ / < you is concerned
d]/f] Vofn} u/]gfF} . d]/f] 5f]/
about me or even
fn] d]/} lj?4df p;nfO{
te s me my own
son has incited him
;'¥ofPsf] 5 egL klg dnfO{
against me.
atfpFb}gf} .
d}n] p;nfO{ b]v]sf] 5' . pm
I have sn him. he came
to abimelech at the city
k"hfxf/Lx¿sf] ;x/df cxLd]n]ssxfF
of priests. they gave
cfPsf] 5 . ltgLx¿n] p;nfO{ vfg]s'/f /
him provisions--and the
uf]Notsf] t/jf/ klg lbP .
sword of goliath.
loz}sf] 5f]/f]nfO{ ;xfotf
why did you conspire k"hfxf/Lx¿ df/ .
ki the
against me by
u/]/ lsg ltdLx¿n] d]/f] priests. a of
;a}nfO{ g} . ltgsf
helping the son
lj?4 if8oGq /Rof} < them. and their bfpmb eflu/x]sf]
they knew
of je e?
kl/jf/ ;d]t .
david was
s'/f ltgLx¿nfO{ yfxf
fling and
lyof], t}klg ltgLx¿n]
did not te
dnfO{ atfPgg\ .
who is
bfpmb h:t} xh"/k|lt jkmfbf/
as loyal to you
x'g] c¿ sf] 5g\ / < /fhfåf/f
as david? let not
the king ause your
cfˆgf] ;]jsnfO{ v/faLsf]
servant of doing wrong--
we know nothing of
bf]if gnufOof];\ . xfdLn] t of]
this aair of which
dfldnf s]xL a'em]sf 5]gf}F .
you speak.
90 I samuel 22:6-17
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I samuel 22:6-17