Page 28 - NEPALI_SB16_David2
P. 28
claofyf/n] cfkm"l;t pm/Ld / t'DdLd NofPsf 5g\ . k"hfxf/
abiathar had brought with him the urim and the
thu in. they were ca ied in the breastplate of the
Lx¿n] To;nfO{ cfˆgf] 5ftLdf nufpFy] / k/d]Zj/sf] OR5f
priest and were used to discern the wi of god.
hfGg To;nfO{ k|of]u ul/GYof] .
oL /Tgx¿ lyP jf æx'G5 ÷ x'Fb}gÆ egL s'g} lglZrt k|Zgsf]
it is not known if these were gemstones
or stones that were black on one side and
pQ/ lbgsf lglDt Psfkl§ sfnf] / csf]{kl§ ;]tf] /Ë ePsf
white on another, which would give a yes
9'Ëfx¿ lyP eGg] s'/f hfGg ;lsPsf] 5}g .
or no answer to a specific question.
regardle , god
h];'s} ePtfklg, k/d]Zj/sf] OR5f
had given this as a
vf]Hg] Pp6f DffWodsf] ?kdf k/d]Zj/n]
means for leaders
to sk god’s wi .
of] cu'jfx¿nfO{ lbg'ePsf] lyof] .
or maybe they were
jf ;fob tL lxa|' cIf/ hl8Psf
stones with hebrew
9'Ëfx¿ lyP h;n] k"hfxf/Lsf]
le ers on them that
would spe out a
lglDt ;Gb]z lbGy] .
me age to the priest .
k'/fgf] lgoddf
it was
O{Zj/Lo lgb]{zgsf] Pp6f
one form of
divination that
>f]tsf] ?kdf k/d]Zj/n]
god a owed
in the old
lbg'ePsf] of] Pp6f ;fwg
testament .
lyof] .
“also put the urim and the thummin in the breastpiece,
æt}Fn] Gofosf] 5ftLkftLdf pm/Ld / t'DdLd /fVg", tfls hlxn] hlxn]
so they may be over aaron’s heart whenever he enters
xf¿g k/dk|e'sf] ;fd'Gg] hfG5 tlxn] tlxn] tL To;sf] x[bodf xf]pmg\ .
the presence of the lord. thus aaron will always bear
o;/L xf¿gn] O;|fPnLx¿sf lglDt Gofo ug]{ ;fwgx¿ cfˆgf] x[bodf
the means of making decisions for the israelites over
his heart before the lord.”
k/dk|e'sf] ;fd'Gg] lg/Gt/ af]sf];\ .Æ
92 exodus 28
Joj:yf @*
Joj:yf @*
exodus 28