Page 33 - NEPALI_SB16_David2
P. 33
why do
bfpmbn] xh"/nfO{ xflg ug{
you listen to
vf]Hb}5 egL dflg;x¿n]
the words of men
when they say I am
d]/f dflns eGbf lsg xh"/ ltgLx¿sf]
lord the trying to harm
dxf/fhf Û s'/f ;'Gg'x'G5 <
my men
d]/f dflg;x¿n] xh"/nfO{
urged me to ki
dfg{ dnfO{ bafp lbPsf lyP
you--but I would
t/ d}n] clelifQm hgsf]
not lift my hand
against the lord’s
lj?4 cfˆgf] xft p7fOgF .
x]g'{xf];\, xh"/
s --a
why are
piece from lsg xh"/n] d]/f] lk5f
sf] vf:6f]sf]
you pursuing
your own ub}{ x'g'x'G5 . d t Pp6f
robe! me? I am nothing bfpmb, d]/f]
6'qmf .
d/]sf] s's'/, s]jn Pp6f
but a dead dog-- my son ?
or a flea. 5f]/f <
lemFuf t xf] .
ltdL d eGbf wdL{
are more
dflg; /x]5f} .
than I. you
ltdLn] d k|lt c;n
have treated
Jojxf/ b]vfof} . d}n]
me we --and I
rflxF ltdLk|lt v/fa
have treated
Jojxf/ b]vfPsf] 5' .
you badly.
this day
you could have
cfhsf] lbg ltdLn] d]/f] Hofg lng
taken my life--may
;Sg]lyof} –– cfh ltdLn] d dfly
the lord reward you
u/]sf] sfddf k/dk|e'n] ltdLnfO{
for the way you have
c;n Ogfd lbg'xf];\ .
treated me today.
I know
ca dnfO{ of] yfxf
with certainty
eof] ls ltdL lgZro
that you wi
g} /fhf x'g]5f} .
be king of
now swear
o;sf/0f k/dk|e'sf]
to me by god’s
gfpFdf zky vfP/ eg
name that you wi
ls d]/f ;GtfgnfO{ ltdL
not cut o my
descendants and
vtd ug]{5}gf}, / d]/f] gfpF
wipe out my name
d]/f lktfsf] 3/fgfb]lv d]
from my father’s
l6lbg]5}gf} .
great king,
dxf/fh, d xh"/nfO{
I give you
d]/f] jrg lbG5' .
my word.
! zd"Pn @$M*–@@
I Samuel 24:8-22
I Samuel 2 4:8-22 97