Page 23 - NEPALI_SB16_David2
P. 23

bfpmb zfpmnaf6 efu]/ k"hfxf/Lx¿sf] ;x/ gf]a
       david fled from saul to nob--
       the city of the priests, where                             tkfO{F lsg PSn}
                                                                   why are
         k'u] hxfF pgn] k"hfxf/L cxLd]n]snfO{ e]6] .
        he saw the priest ahimelech.                             cfpg'eof] < lsg
                                                                  you alone?
                                                                 why is no one
                                                                tkfO{Fl;t sf]xL 5}g <
                                                                  with you?

                                                                       the king
                                                                     /fhfn] dnfO{ Pp6f
                                                                    gave me a certain
                                                                   ljz]if sfd lbg'ePsf] 5 t/
                                                                    mi ion but does
                                                                   s;}n] Tof] yfxf kfPsf] pxfF
                                                                    not want anyone
                                                                    to know about it.
                                                                   rfxg'x'Gg . d]/f dflg;x¿n]
                                                                    my men wi  mt
                                                                      dnfO{ e]6\g]5g\ .
                                                                              but david’s lie
                                                                             t/ bfpmbsf em"6n] rfF8}
                                                                              would s n
                                                                             g} b'Mvb kl/0ffdx¿
                                                                               have tragic
                              what do
                             d]/f dflg;x¿nfO{           the
                              you have               cz'4 sfd ug{
                              vfgsf lglDt
                                                    men’s bodies
                             on hand for            uPsf eP tfklg oL
                             tkfO{Fl;t s]xL vfg]    are holy, even
                             my men to
                                                     on mi ions
                              s'/f 5 ls <           dflg;x¿sf z/L/
                                                    that are not
                                                     rf]vf g} 5g\ .
                                                                   do you
                     I                                           s] tkfO{Fl;t efnf jf
                                                                 have a spear
               don’t have any
              dl;t t r9fOPsf] kljq /f]6L                       or sword here? I
                                                                t/jf/ s]xL oxfF 5 <
              ordinary bread,
             dfq 5, olb ltgLx¿n] cfkmF}nfO{                    /fhfsf] sfd cToGt h¿/L
                                                               brought nothing
              only consecrated
             ljlwk"j{s rf]VofPsf 5g\ eg] ––
             bread--if the men have                            because the king’s
                                                                ePsf] x'gfn] d}n] s]xL
              kept themselves
              ;fwf/0f /f]6L t dl;t 5}g .                         busine  was
             ceremonia y clean.                                   Nofpg kfOgF .
                  just the sword
                  Pnfxsf] a]F;Ldf tkfO{Fn]
                  of goliath whom
                   dfg'{ePsf] uf]Notsf]
                    you ki ed in
                   the va ey of
                    t/jf/ oxfF 5 .
              give it
           Tof] t/jf/ h:tf] c¿
           to me--there
           t/jf/} 5}g . dnfO{
           is none like
            ToxL lbgxf];\ .

                                            ! zd"Pn @!M!–(
                                           I samuel 21:1-9
                                           I samuel 21:1-9                               87
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