Page 3 - NEPALI_SB11_Judges1
P. 3

       oxf]Zf"sf] hLjgsfnel/, O;|fPnLx¿n] k/
         hroughout the lifetime
               dk|e'sf] ;]jf u/] .
       of joshua the people of
        israel served the lord.

      oxf]z"sf] d[To'kl5, dflg;x¿n] a"9fk|wfgx¿nfO{
       after joshua died the people
      fo owed the elders who had
        k5\ØfP h;n] O;|fPnsf] lglDt k/d]Zj/n]
n a  the great things
          ug'{ePsf dxfg\ sfdx¿ b]v]sf lyP .
        god had done for israel.

                                                        ta csf]{ k':tf v8f eof] h;n] g k/dk|e'nfO{ lrGb-
                                                           but then another generation grew
                                                        GYof], g tf pxfFn] O;|fPnsf lglDt ug'{ePsf] sfdx¿
                                                           up, who knew neither the lord…
                                                          nor what he had done for israel.
                                                                    g} hfGbYof] .
                                           judges 2:7-10
                                           judges 2:7-10
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