Page 4 - NEPALI_SB11_Judges1
P. 4
O;|fPnLx¿ cfˆgf k'/fgf rfnx¿df kms]
because the people of israel
began to return to their old
{sf] sf/0f k/dk|e'n] pgLx¿sf] ;fd' /x]sf
t out the nations before them.
ways, the lord sto
ed drivng
hfltx¿nfO{ wkfOlbg] sfd /f]Sg'eof] .
hroughout the lifetime
of joshua the people of
israel served the lord.
O;|fPnLx¿n] cfkm"nfO{ ;Dk"0f{
Åbon] k5\ØfpF5 ls k5\ØfpFb}g eg]/
the lord left nations
around the israelites
ltgLx¿nfO{ hfFRg k/dk|e'n] O;|fPn
to test them – to s
j/k/ /x]sf hfltx¿nfO{ TolQs} 5f]
if they would fo ow
him with a their heart.
l8lbg'eof] .
of] gofF k':tfn] pgLx¿sf lktfk'vf{x¿n]
this new generation had
not experienced any of
k|lt1fsf] b]z xfl;n ug]{ qmddf n8\g'k/]
the ba les or faith tests
sf o'4x¿ cyf{t\ ljZjf;sf] nflu cfPsf
their forefathers had
endured while taking
hfFrx¿ cg'ej u/]sf lyPgg\ .
the promised land.
after joshua died the people
fo owed the elders who had
n a the great things
god had done for israel. oxf]z"sf] k':tsdf, dflg;x¿n] k/d]Zj/nfO{ ;Dk"0f{
x[bon] k5\ØfPsf lyP=====/ 7"N7"nf ljhox¿ xfl;n u/]
in the bk of joshua the people
fo owed god wholeheartedly…
sf lyP .
and enjoyed great triumphs.
t/ Gofostf{sf] k':ts rflxF Pp6f b'MvfGt Oltxf;
but the bk of judges is a
xf] h;n] ltgLx¿sf cgf1fsfl/tf / k/fhox¿sf]
sad sequel that te s of their
disobedience – and defeats.
af/]df atfpF5 .
k/d]Zj/sf] k|ToIf cf1fnfO{ cj1f ub}{, O;|fPnLx¿n]
in disobedience to god’s direct
coand, the israelites interma ied
sgfgLx¿l;t cGt/ljjfx u/] / cGo b]jtfx¿nfO{ k5\
but then another generation grew with the cannite people – and
ØfP .
up, who knew neither the lord… fo owed their gods. and there
nor what he had done for israel. were many gods to fo ow…
Gofostf{x¿ #M!–^
judges 2:7-10 Judges 3:1-6
judges 2:7-10
Judges 3:1-6