Page 44 - Midway Dental Q2 2017
P. 44


                                Since the inception of dental                   In December 2016, the MDA was
                                CBCT imaging, dentists in Michigan              ÀQDOO\ VXFFHVVIXO DW UHPRYLQJ WKH
                                have been required to apply for a               CON for dental CBCT. This means
                                &HUWLÀFDWH RI 1HHG  &21   'HQWDO                Michigan dentists are no longer
                                &%&7 KDV EHHQ FODVVLÀHG DV D                    UHTXLUHG WR DSSO\ IRU D &HUWLÀFDWH RI
                                medical CT unit under Michigan law.             Need.
                                The application process prohibited

                                many dentists from applying due to              One of the reasons why the use of
                                its lengthy process and cost. Many              CBCT in Michigan was regulated was
                                also felt that the information required  due to the high levels of radiation
                                on the application was private and              dose of 3D imaging. The MDA
                                did not want it disclosed for public            worked closely with Brent Garvin of
                                record. Over the past 10 years there            PLANMECA Imaging to successfully
                                have been several attempts to                   deregulate dental from the CON. His
                                UHPRYH GHQWDO IURP WKH &HUWLÀFDWH RI  company created Ultra Low Dose
                                Need. Unfortunately, every attempt
                                has failed until now.                           Keep reading on page 40.


                    ULTRA-LOW DOSE                                                                                            ™

                    IMAGING REDEFINED

                                                                      Are you using the industry

                                                               exclusive Ultra-Low Dose Protocol

                                                            - without reduction in image quality?

                                                       )RU D IUHH LQ RɝFH FRQVXOWDWLRQ
                                                  SOHDVH FDOO 3ODQPHFD DW                RU
                                               YLVLW XV RQ WKH ZHE DW ZZZ SODQPHFDXVD FRP
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