Page 45 - Midway Dental Q2 2017
P. 45


                                 Michigan Dental                               FDA Issues Ban on Most
                                 Association Gets CON                          Powdered Gloves             ^
                                 Regulations Lifted*

                                                                               The rule, which goes into effect Jan.
                                 Great news! Effective Dec. 9, the             18, applies to patient examination
                                 state of Michigan has removed its             gloves, powdered surgeon’s
                                 EXUGHQVRPH &HUWLÀFDWH RI 1HHG                 gloves and absorbable powder for
                                 (CON) regulations on dental CT                lubricating a surgeon’s glove.
                                 scanners. Now, dental CT scanners
                                 will be regulated just like any               “While use of these gloves
                                 other dental imagining machine                is decreasing, they pose an
                                 — meaning they need only be                   unreasonable and substantial risk of
                                 registered with the state through             illness or injury to health care provid-
                                 the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs          ers, patients and other individuals
                                 Department. The Michigan Dental               who are exposed to them, which
                                 Association spent much of the                 cannot be corrected through new or
                                 year lobbying the CON regulators              updated labeling,” the agency said
                                 and state legislators to remove the           in a March news release.
                                 scanners from CON regulation.
                                 Grassroots members helped, too.               In its summary of the rule, the FDA
                                                                               also noted that the ban “does
                                 *Originally published by the Michigan Dental  not apply to powder used in
                                                                               the manufacturing process” of
                                                                               nonpowdered gloves, “where that
                                                                               powder is not intended to be part
                                                                               RI WKH ÀQDO ÀQLVKHG JORYHµ DQG VDLG
                                                                               ´ÀQLVKHG QRQSRZGHUHG JORYHV DUH
                                                                               expected to include no more than
                                                                               trace amounts of residual powder
                                                                               from these processes, and the
                                                                               agency encourages manufacturers
                                                                               WR HQVXUH ÀQLVKHG QRQ SRZGHUHG
                                                                               gloves have as little powder as
                                                                               ^ Originally published by the American Dental

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