Page 7 - winter 2015 magazine
P. 7
By Pat Williams
Almost a million people enjoy Red Rock Canyon enjoying the view. This location is also a favorite pho-
National Conservation Area each year. This is both a to op site for wedding parties. Sadly, years of mon-
blessing and a curse: With all those feet coming soon rains had eroded the ground surrounding the
through the gates, you can imagine what the trails look parking area leaving an unmarked two-foot drop-off
like after a season of visitor usage and monsoon weath- from the pave- After
er. Some trails are worn down to knee depth, some ment to the desert
trails or areas get washed away, new trails crop up be- floor. The BLM
cause the original trails become impassable, signage developed a reme-
fades to the illegible due to the harsh climate… The list diation plan and
goes on. requested that
However, we are blessed with having an incredible Friends provide
volunteer team, the Natural Resource Committee funds and volun- Photo by S.M. Kolar
(AKA: The Team), who are passionate about preserv- teers to repair the
ing and improving the trails that are enjoyed by mil- damage. Using five tons of backfill soil, approximate-
lions of feet, paws and hooves. We are also fortunate to ly 300 landscaping pavers and the skill (and brawn) of
have the support of our community, local organizations a dozen volunteers, the dangerous drop-off was elimi-
and corporations who are eager to help with our preser- nated on a Saturday morning.
vation efforts.
Fun Fact: Did you know that trail repairs and most re-
The Team, led by Wyatt Mulvey, has monthly work- vegetation efforts must use native soils and plants from
days in addition to tackling special projects requested Red Rock Canyon? The backfill soils used in the pro-
by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). I’d like to jects described here came from within Red Rock Can-
yon. New landscaping, whether propagated or trans-
focus on just a few of The Team’s special projects. planted from another site, originates from BLM lands.
Most Impressive Award: The Scenic Drive The Backbreaking Award: Ice Box Canyon
Highpoint Overlook Ice Box Canyon is one of the most picturesque and
This parking pullout provides beautiful views of the heavily used trails in the canyon: the end destination
canyon floor and the sur-
Before follows a wash to a wooded and shady slot canyon,
rounding mountain rang- featuring a seasonal waterfall, which is 10 to 15 de-
es. The relatively ample grees cooler than the canyon floor. Absolutely heaven-
parking lot is generally ly after the ¾ mile journey from the parking lot. And,
filled with tour busses, you would be extremely lucky to find a parking spot
bicycles and cars – with after 8:00 a.m.
all the occupants being
The trail from the parking area to the entrance to the
Photo by S.M. Kolar outside the vehicles (Continued on page 17)
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