Page 2 - magazine Spring 2011-1_Neat
P. 2

Hello Friends,

                                       Now that I have been president for the past 6 months, I have a greater appreciation
                               and a new perspective of our committee chair people. I would like to personally

                                       thank each chair for their contributions and share some basic information regarding
                                       committee duties.

      Most of you are aware that the Lost Creek graffiti vandal has been caught. Much credit goes to Pat Williams, community

      outreach chair, for working with the Bureau of Land Management to get the word out about this crime.

      If you like to hike, don’t forget to thank the efforts of Klaus Cobb and Wyatt Mulvey, co-chairs of the natural resources
      committee. Our guys are up to two service days per month as well as being a key part of any special volunteer event days.

      Sue and Roger Kolar are doing wonderful work training and scheduling volunteers for the Tortoise Habitat, one of the main
      attractions for visitors at the Red Rock Visitor Center.

      Chuck Williams is still hard at it as chair of the cultural resources committee documenting prehistoric and historic sites
      throughout Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area.

      Linda Vetter has assumed the position as our transportation grant chair. She has the enviable task of working with the Clark
      County School District teachers and the Bureau of Land Management Red Rock Canyon staff to make it possible for students to
      enjoy an educational experience at Red Rock Canyon.

      Joe and Mary Labie chair the Procurement Team and raise funds for Friends of Red Rock by designing and researching items to
      sell in the Elements Gift and Book Store. They do this in coordination with Bureau of Land Management and Red Rock Canyon
      Interpretive Association, operators of Elements.

      Mary Labie is also membership chair.  She works to keep all memberships current and keeps track of our member information
      and accomplishments.

      Terrie Wojciechowski is our chair for the Dedication Walkway. Terrie coordinates all aspects of the Dedication Walkway,
      including order acceptance, proofing, coordinating work with vendor and notifying donors when work is complete.

      You are reading this due to the efforts of Jule Burke our newsletter chair. Jule stepped up to fill some very big shoes when Barb

      Wolin decided to retire from producing the Desert Trumpet after more than 13 years. Jule has taken on this job with amazing

      I saved this one for last because this person helps us all pat ourselves on the back by pulling off some of the best Volunteer
      Banquets ever! Martha Burk is hospitality chair and is responsible for the Friends quarterly meetings as well as the annual
      banquet we all enjoy.

      Thanks to all of you that have taken your love of Red Rock Canyon to heart and volunteered to be our committee chairs!

      Friends would not be the same without you.

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