Page 5 - magazine Spring 2011-1_Neat
P. 5

When visitors come to the Mojave Desert they sometimes                                by Chelise Simmons

     think it is only a dry, barren waste land.  But for those of us   Desert Globe Mallow is a small shrub with furry
     who call the Mojave Desert home, it is a wonderland of     silvery-gray leaves and bright orange cup shaped flowers.
     plants, insects and animals, some of which only survive
     here in the Mojave Desert.

     Red Rock Canyon is one of the most beautiful places in the
     Mojave Desert.  In the spring, it explodes with splashes of
     bright yellow, orange, white, and hot pink to mention a

     few. The spring bloom is a much anticipated event and the
     visitor center receives hundreds of calls from anxious
     flower enthusiasts as early as February.  “Are there any
     wild flowers out yet?” the caller would ask.  Some seasons
     are more brilliant than others, but once the weather starts to

     warm up, the wildflowers start to peek out.

     The best way to see wildflowers at Red Rock Canyon  is to        Desert Marigold resembles a small sunflower

     go hiking along the Moenkopi trail that starts at the picnic     on tall stems.
     tables outside the Visitor Center.  It is an                     The true role of flowers is to survive and
     easy trail over rocky limestone.  If hiking is                   reproduce. They assure reproduction by using
     not in your plans, you can still enjoy the                       their bright colors and strong scents to attract
     blossoms by driving around the loop.  Either                     pollinators who spread pollen between flowers

     way, bring a lunch and take your time to                         allowing the plant to reproduce.  Some flowers
     drink in all that Mother Nature has to offer.
                                                                      have markings which serve as guides for
     Desert Paint Brush with it luminous red tips and                 pollinators.  These guides act as a runway that
     the lovely Desert Globe Mallow are two                           leads the pollinator to the nectar.

     representations of the Caroteniods pigment.
                                                                      Wildflowers are also an important source of food
                                                                      for other Mojave Desert dwellers.  The
        Globe                                                         endangered Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii),
                                                                      an herbivore, prefer eating Desert Globe Mallow
                                                                      and cactus flowers compared to other grasses or
                                                                      herbs.  This vegetation  provides most of the
                                                    Paint             water the tortoise needs to survive.
                                                    Bursh                       (continued on page 6)
       Caroteniods reflect light and, when mixed in different
       proportions, produce flowers of orange, red or yellow.
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