Page 2 - Winter 2014 magazine
P. 2
The mission of Friends of Red Rock Canyon is the preservation and enrichment of
Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area and the public lands of southern Nevada.
Dear Friends Members, The current Visitor Center had its grand opening in
April 2010 and that brings us to the present time.
For those of you who remember the original Red
Rock Canyon National Conservation Area Like the original Visitor Center, the current build-
(RRCNCA) Visitor Center and Administrative Of- ing is a perfect example of the BLM — Friends —
fices, I'm sure you agree the current facilities are far RRCIA partnership. BLM provides the oversight;
superior. This issue of the Rock is going to focus on Friends and other volunteers staff the information
the current Visitor Center. I'll give a little history desk and are responsible for the tortoise habitat; and
and the following pages will have more infor- RRCIA manages the Elements Gift Store and pro-
mation. vides interpretive programs. Where do you fit in?
In October 1967, the Red Rock area was designated With all three partners combining resources and
a national recreation area. The original building was working together, I believe we're offering the com-
open to the public in May 1982. Friends of Red munity a Visitor Center experience which is envi-
Rock Canyon (Friends) was formed in 1984 to pro- ronmentally educational and provides valuable vol-
vide a cadre of volunteers to assist the BLM in the unteer opportunities. The rewards are a sense of
stewardship of the area. In 1988, a three-way part- pride and feeling of ownership in RRCNCA.
nership was formed with the creation of Red Rock
Canyon Interpretive Association (RRCIA). The As- Thank you if you are already volunteering at the
sociation’s mission was to assist the BLM with in- Visitor Center. If not, please consider getting in-
terpretive programs and to sell related materials. In volved and helping to spread the message to
November 1990, the recreation area was designated "Preserve and Protect" Red Rock Canyon National
Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. Conservation Area.
Rock On! 2,066 Red Rock license plates are on the road and one is in the Tortoise Habitat.
Friends of Red Rock Canyon are lucky to have a charitable license plate providing critically needed funds
which support our efforts to preserve and protect the Rock.
Trading in your existing license plate for a Red Rock Canyon plate is easy and also re-
sults in a $25 tax-deductible donation to Friends in
the first year and a $20 donation for every year you
renew the license plate.
Thank you if you already have a Red Rock
Canyon plate. Please consider getting the license
plate if you don’t have this visible symbol of support
for our special place. Hugo thanks you as well.
Photo by Sue Kolar