Page 6 - Winter 2014 magazine
P. 6
In each issue of the Rock magazine, I try to emphasize the need to continually grow our membership. There are
several ways to achieve growth. It is so important to realize that without a strong membership, our volunteer base
would be very slim. So, I ask every member to consider the options that could help us increase our membership:
Save on Saturday. On the second Saturday of Note that the discounts offered are valid only on reg-
every month, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at least one ularly-priced merchandise and you need to show
member of our recruitment team is available to greet your current Friends’ membership card.
visitors and talk about Red Rock Canyon and its vol- Share the Experience – A Recruitment Initiative.
unteer organization—that’s us, Friends of Red Rock
This program consists of gift and sponsored member-
Canyon. Why not visit the recruitment table that day
ships. Gift memberships are great for any occasion.
and bring a friend or family member to join. Persons Sponsored memberships are those new members
who join that day receive a special gift from Friends. who, by your recommendation, join Friends. There is
Also the Elements Gift and Book Store offers a 25%
an incentive plan for participation in this program.
discount to new members that is valid only on the
Please contact
day of joining. Current members receive a 20% dis-
count that day as well. In the meantime…
Meet Some of Our Dedicated Recruiters
Here are Linda and Gary Vetter. They have been Each holiday season, she leads fund-raising teams for
dedicated members and volunteers since 2005. As gift-wrapping at local REI stores. Gary has served in
part of the recruitment team, they enjoy serving at several capacities during his membership. Currently
the recruitment table and speaking with visitors he assists the Graffiti Team, a newly formed com-
from all over the world. Gary is retired mittee that he helped
military, so they have lived in several establish this past year.
countries throughout his career. It is
(Continued on page 14)
enjoyable for them to be able to
converse about foreign sites of
mutual interest to visitors. It is
fortunate for us that they volun-
teer to recruit; they are great rep-
resentatives for Friends.
This isn’t all they do.
Linda, a retired teacher,
also serves as Committee
Chair for Bus Transpor-
tations Grants for at-risk
Linda and Gary Vetter with granddaughter Chayla Cahill-Vetter
schools. Photo provided by Gary Vetter
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