Page 11 - full mag fall 2017 flip
P. 11

Friends oF red rock canyon     11

                                                                 Article and Photos By Sue and Roger Kolar

                     wo new female tortoises arrived at the      quarantined and when the fence came down,
                 T Red Rock Canyon Tort Habitat on July 19.      Roxie explored the habitat and made new friends.
               They were adopted through the Tortoise Group      On the first feeding day, Roxie sat in the middle
               and Kelsey Retich, Bureau of Land Management      of  Willie’s dish. Willie was unfazed and just ate
               Wildlife Biologist, signed the adoption papers to   around her!
               make it official. The two girls came from the same
               home and are related, probably sisters.             The other tortoise is named Desert Rose or
                                                                 Rosie. We asked the Habitat Volunteers for name
                                                                 suggestions and that name got the most votes.
                                                                 Rosie is about 30 years old and weighs almost
                                                                 nine pounds. About the same size as Betty, Rosie
                                                                 is friendly
                                                                 and curious.
                                                                 She sampled
                                                                 every plant
                                                                 in the habitat
                                                                 and found
                                                                 that a few
                                                                 are not tasty!
           Kelsey Retich (BLM Wildlife Biologist) and Sarah      She is stay-
           Mortimer of the Tortoise Group showing off the        ing close to
           adoption certificates                                 the burrow
                                                                 that is near-
                                                                 est to the visitor center. We look forward to see-
                 One of the tortoises is a juvenile about seven to   ing Roxie grow up and watching how Rosie will
               ten years old. We named her Red Rock Roxie or     fit in with the other girls.
               just Roxie.
               She weighs                                                We stopped feeding the torts on Septem-
               almost two                                              ber 30. It takes them up to thirty days to
               pounds and                                              digest their food and it is best if they enter
               is about eight                                          brumation with an empty stomach. They’ll
               inches long.                                            start brumating in October and November
               Her shell is                                            and will stay in their burrows until Febru-
               greenish and                                            ary or March. Younger tortoises may be
               when she                                                active longer, so we’ll have to see what
               hides under                                             Roxie does this fall.
               a bush, it’s
               really difficult                                          This season 60 volunteers spent more
               to see her. The                                         than 1,400 hours taking care of the torts.
               new tortoises                                           Thanks for all of your help!
               were briefly

                                                                                                    Fall  2017
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