Page 6 - full mag fall 2017 flip
P. 6
6 Friends oF red rock canyon
Photos and Article by Norm Kresge
he weather will be cooling down and it’s a good opportunity to see some animals, particu-
T time to plan some hikes and explorations larly birds.
in the Las Vegas Valley. If you haven’t visited the
Wetlands Park, this is a wonderful place to get a Once across the bridge—the bridge is one area
little exercise, view some birds and animals, see where bicycles are allowed—the
the river that runs through Las North Trail of the Wetlands Park
Vegas and take photographs. continues and turns to the right.
I walk this bicycle/pedestrian
Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
There are a number of trails trail east for as far as I want to
you can explore, so I’m not put- go. That’s why the hike or walk
ting a distance on this hike. The can be as much or as little as
trek shown on the map is about you want it to be. Care needs to
two miles total, but you can be taken now because there is
make it longer or shorter de- construction on the Tropicana
pending on what you want to do. Weir that is set for completion in
2018. The last time I walked at
From the Visitor Center park- the park, I went across the desert
ing lot, take the Mesquite Way to a dirt road near where the con-
Trail. It starts near the rest rooms struction was taking place. Then
on the opposite side of the parking lot from the I walked the dirt road back to the Weir Bridge.
Visitor Center. This is a paved trail for pedestrians
only. Bicycles are only allowed on two trails. This After crossing the Weir Bridge, turn left and
trail meanders through the wetlands and periodi- follow the trail. This trail has no name but it is
cally you’ll come to some water and a chance to paved. There are a couple of lookout places where
see waterfowl. As we get into fall, the Wetlands you can see the water in the wash. As you hike
becomes a stopping spot for migratory birds and around the park, note that there are a number of
chances of seeing other types of birds increase. In dirt trails. You can take any of these side trails for
about 1/2 mile, you’ll come to the Weir Bridge that extra exploring. Generally you can see the Visitor
crosses the water as it takes the Las Vegas Wash Center; you can use that as a point of reference so
on its way to Lake Mead. The bridge will give you you know where you are.
the Rock - Volume 8 Issue 1