Page 5 - Print Fall 2013 magazine
P. 5

Happy Anniversary Hugo!

         Hugo, the enormous tortoise, came to Red Rock          scale at 33 pounds and 6 ounces. Maxine is our next
         Canyon on September 6, 2012. When he arrived, he       largest tortoise, weighing in at 16 and 1/2 pounds; she
         was recuperating from surgery to remove a bladder      probably lost some weight when she laid sixteen eggs
         stone and it was quite an adjustment for him to move   this spring. This is the second year Maxine laid a
         into his large habitat with a spectacular view of Red   clutch of sixteen eggs and we think it is some sort of

         Rock. Oh, all right, maybe he is a little too short to   world record! Max has also grown; he weighs a little
         enjoy the view. Hugo was a pet and his people          more than 14 pounds.
         moved away and left him in the back yard with a bag
         of dog food. He may have been lonely,                  Although the tortoises keep mum about their back-
         because he certainly loves to see the                  grounds, we believe that most of them were pets at one
         volunteers and visitors.                               time. Tortoises make great pets. They don’t have vocal
         He will follow volun-                                  chords, so they won’t be barking all night and they are

         teers all around the habi-                             very friendly once they get to know you. If you live in
         tat and stand on their                                 Nevada, you can adopt a desert tortoise. They need
                                                                                                       Sue Kolar
                                                                                                       Sue Kolar
         blue booties when they                                 sunlight and fresh air to thrive and you will need to
         stop moving.                                           build a burrow in your yard for their shelter. Right now
                                                                all adoptions are handled through The Tortoise Group.

         Hugo has gained more     Hugo and Momma Kathy          Go to for more infor-
                                          Photo by Pat Williams
         than 2 pounds since last                               mation on adopting a tortoise.
         year on his new vegetarian diet. He now tops the                                        (Continued on page 13)

                                                    Sue Kolar

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