Page 12 - winter 2019
P. 12

12 Friends oF red rock canyon

                     olunteers serve increasingly important roles   suggestions for management strategies. We will
                 V and functions at Red Rock Canyon National    provide more detail in our final report about these
               Conservation Area (NCA). Indeed, in the last fis-  discussions.
               cal year, nearly 800 volunteers provided more than
               28,000 hours of service in many different ways at   We also used these discussion groups to develop
               the NCA. Many of them are also regular visitors.   a survey to send to all active volunteers in order
               Given their recreational and volunteer experiences   to get a better understanding of these perspec-
               at the NCA, they have unique perspectives on     tives across the larger volunteer population. In
               capacity-related issues and potential management   August 2018, volunteers who had logged at least
               strategies.                                      five hours in the past fiscal year were emailed an
                                                                invitation to complete the online survey. A total of
                 To understand their perspectives, Great Basin   110 volunteers completed the survey.
               Institute researchers conducted a capacity as-
      Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
               sessment for Red Rock Canyon and sponsored         Volunteers have noticed impacts related to in-
               separate small group discussions with a total of 22   creased visitation, for example:
               volunteers in December 2017. In these sessions,    •   73% have noticed an increase in graffiti
               we discussed participants’ insights about common   •   70% have noticed an increase in litter at the
               issues with which they help visitors at the NCA,       NCA in the past few years
               the types of support they need to serve the Bureau
               of Land Management (BLM), their perceptions        Their own visitation patterns to the NCA have
               of capacity-related issues and impacts and their   changed since visitation has increased (Figure 1).

                                                           Figure 1

               the Rock - Volume 9 Issue 2
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