Page 16 - winter 2019
P. 16

16 Friends oF red rock canyon

                (The Community rocks...Continued from page 15)
               Larry Dunn                                                                       nic Area. The
               was in charge                                                                    event partici-
               of the trail                                                                     pants enjoyed
               maintenance                                                                      hamburgers,
               team, who                                                                        including veg-
               pruned the                                                                       etarian options,
               many over-                                                                       as well as
               grown shrubs                                                                     chips, cookies
               and overhang-                                                                    and fruit. The
               ing trees along                                                                  SNC provided
               the Lost Creek                                                                   a tarantula and
               trail improving                                                                  big horn sheep
               it for hikers.   Installing new Carsonite trail marking   Compliments to the chefs from the hard-  interpretive/ed-
                               posts at Lost Creek               working volunteers            ucational table
                 The remaining two teams, led by                                               nearby for both
               Friends members Ron LaPointe                                    visitors and volunteers to enjoy.
               and Vernon Quever, worked on
               renumbering route markers on                                     Roger Hembree - Special thanks
               the Children’s Discovery Trail to                               for the photo-documentation of the
               make it easier for school field trips                           National Public Lands Day and
               to follow the trail and learn about
               Red Rock Canyon.                                                Make a Difference Day events.
                 A barbecue lunch, prepared by                                  Thank You as well to the below
               Friends Grill Masters Greg Dar-                                 BLM, SNC and Friends staff and
               row, Gary Vetter, Tom Hughes                                    volunteers for planning and coor-
               and Gerry Wojciechowski, was     Gerry Wojciechowski and Greg Darrow   dinating both community events.
               served at the Willow Springs Pic-  serve another valued volunteer
      Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon

               the Rock - Volume 9 Issue 2
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