Page 9 - fall the rock 2015
P. 9

8  Friends oF red rock canyon                                            Friends oF red rock canyon                 9
 Thank You Tort Lovers

              Maxine was the first tort to go to the
              vet. She had a wild ride in the car;
              she’s so big she can peek out of the
 Article and photos by Sue and Roger Kolar             What we’re doing and how you can help.
              top of her travel bin. Maxine didn’t
 We’ve had a memorable “Tort” season thanks to   like what   Friends have created a   Health protocols and pro-
                                     she saw
 our dedicated volunteers and habitat supporters.  and lost   dedicated Tortoise Medi-  cedures have also been
                                     most of
                                                                                      updated to further reduce
                                                        cal Fund to provide the
                                     her bodily         necessary health care the     the chance of a medical
                                     fluids. A          Rock Stars need.              emergency for one of the
                                     bladder                                          Red Rock tortoises.
 his year fifty-one volunteers   In spite of all our efforts, one of the   stone was   The seven females and
 Tspent more than 1,300 hours   Unfortunately, BLM   tortoises, Greta, died in July. She   detected   two males are checked   You can send your tax
 taking care of the torts. We’ve fed   does not have funds   had complications from trying to lay   and  treat-  annually by volunteers for   deductible donations to
 the torts 54 times and soaked them   to pay for tortoise   eggs or possibly from eating a for-  ment   their weight and girth. Our     Friends of Red Rock Can-
 27 times. We’ve educated count-  medical care, so   eign object that fell into the habitat.   Carla Wise and Lucie on a road trip  options are   volunteers also remove   yon  P.O. Box 97  Blue
 less visitors about the difference   Friends started a    being investigated.    ticks, check for respira-  Diamond, NV  89004
 between turtles and tortoises and   Tortoise Medical   To address these issues, we plan to   tory issues and other minor
 watched so many children thrill to   Fund.   take the torts to the vet for regu-  Volunteers noticed that Greta, Willie   health issues.
 see a live tortoise.   lar check-ups and to provide basic   and Lucie all dug nest type holes in
 training for all of the people who   May and June but they walked away
 work at Red Rock so they can enter   without laying any eggs. This may be
 the habitat to collect trash when   an indication of a problem so Willie
 they see it.   and Lucie visited the vet in Septem-
              ber. Willie is in excellent health but
 Unfortunately, the Bureau of Land   Lucie has a bladder stone. We’ll be
 Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
 Management (BLM) does not have   keeping an eye on Maxine and Lucie.
 funds to pay for tortoise medical   Next spring we’ll start getting all of
 care, so Friends started a Tortoise   the torts to the vet for a check-up.
 Medical Fund and thanks to your
 support it has a balance of more   The tortoises will start brumating in
 than $2,300.  October and November. You may see
              a few out warming themselves by
              the metal wall during the warmest
 Hugo before the annual weight check  part of the day. For more information
 Hugo enjoying his annual measuring  about the torts you can reach us at:
 Hugo is a big favorite in so many
 ways; the visitors can hear him
 crunching the kale stalks from the
 sidewalk. The children are not so
 thrilled when their parents point out
 that Hugo loves his vegetables. We
 weighed the torts a few weeks ago
 and Hugo has gained a pound. He’s                    Come out soon to see (and hear) the Rock Stars. They will start brumation
 now slightly more than 33 pounds,                    in the next few weeks.                                              Cartoon by Rob Tuvell ©
 and it’s all muscle!  Lucie not enjoying her annual measuring

 the Rock - Volume 6 Issue 1                                                                      Fall 2015
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