Page 12 - fall the rock 2015
P. 12

12       Friends oF red rock canyon                                                                                                                                                     Friends oF red rock canyon                 13

       The characters who brought you

                                                                                                                                                             You wrote so eloquently       taped interviews with Bonnie. You made her
       Seekers, Saints & Scoundrels                                                                      By Pat Williams                                     about T.P. Rhea and his       story come alive – What was your favorite part

                                                                                                                                                                                           of her story?
                                                                                                                                                             dreams. What inspired you?
                                                                                                                                                             How did you come to meet
                                                                                                                                                             his daughters? What sur-       Bonnie had previously given a very full interview
                                                                                                                                                             prised you most about this     regarding her life and the development of Bonnie
                Three years. That’s the time it took Friends volunteers to research, write and edit the                                                      biography?                     Springs, and I felt pleased that I had such a firm
                first book published by Friends of Red Rock Canyon.                                                                                                                         foundation upon which to base the story. After all,
                                                                                                                                                             Credit for initiating the Quarry   who better to tell the story than Bonnie herself?
                                                                                                                                              Dan Wray       article should go to Chuck     I wasn’t very far into the
                    he project began innocently enough:         Colorful Characters of Red Rock Canyon.                                                      who introduced me to Faye      story when I came upon
               TThe Cultural Resource Committee (one                                                                                       Porter. Research papers had been given to the    Bonnie’s assessment of the
               of Friend’s very active volunteer teams)         Each writer added a different voice to the                                 University of Nevada                             character of skater Sonja
               decided that they would start a simple his-      book and brought various and unique indi-                                  Las Vegas, but it was                            Henie and her (Sonja’s)
               tory of Red Rock Canyon focusing on facts        viduals to life. I asked authors Chuck Wil-                                through Faye that I was                          mother. This seemed to
               and key dates. Chuck Williams agreed to          liams, Dan Wray, Norm Kresge, Linda Mc-                                    able to learn something                          warrant a little further inves-
               head the project and things snowballed           Collum and Sharon Schaaf which character                                   of the human side of                             tigation. Therefore, for the
               from there: One story led to another which       was their favorite seeker, saint or scoundrel.                             the story. I had various                         moment I digressed. I had   Bonnie performing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Photo by Bonnie Springs
               was interlaced with other lives and stories.                                                                                discussions with her                             not long returned to
               Chuck recruited (some say coerced) others        See if you agree with their choices.                                       and when I heard of a                            Bonnie’s account when someone else intruded
               into writing chapters. The result of their ef-                                                                              reenactment of the his-  Buddy and Tighman Rhea   and seemed to want attention. After all, wasn’t
                                                                                                                                                                         Courtesy Rhea Family
               forts is Seekers, Saints & Scoundrels – The                                                                                 tory of Blue Diamond,                            it Bole who was responsible for Bonnie’s father
                                                                                                                                           I suggested we should go to it. Faye brought her   becoming a director rather than an actor and for
               You wrote nine chapters in the book ranging      What was the most interesting story or fact you                            family, and her mother was able to reminisce with   Bonnie mixing with the great and famous of the
               from the first Europeans passing through the     learned in your research?                                                  people she had known from her younger days. We   early movie days?
               area to present day Red Rock. Who was your        There were so many. Maybe the                                             also hiked out to the quarry to see the remnants
      Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
               favorite character and why?                       group that was digging for buried                                         of the operation and check on details. It was there   Buster Wilson seemed to say, “You can’t tell
                             Buster Wilson was my favorite       treasure in Sandstone Quarry in                                           that I really became aware of the human aspect   Bonnie’s story without talking about me” and so I
                             because he was remembered by        the late 1960s.                                                           of the story and of the strong family ties. Faye’s   found the story taking on a life of its own.
                             everyone I interviewed for the book.                                                                          father had taken the family out to the quarry and
                             He most definitely was a “Colorful   You spent almost three years                                                             had poured cement into a mold.   So many people played a part in the story, but
                             Character of Red Rock Canyon”      coordinating this project. What                                                            He then got each of the children   the part which moved me most was when Bonnie
                             who knew all the early settlers as   was the most surprising thing                                                            to make a handprint in it. Surely,   sheepishly admitted that she was pleased when
                             well as having a Paiute heritage.   you learned about the process?                                                            that would no longer be there                              the children couldn’t
                                                                 How much work has to go into                                                              after all these years but there                            get to school because
                             If you could go back in time, who   researching and writing non-fic-                                                          it was: A poignant reminder of                             she had them all to
            Chuck Williams   is the one person you would like    tion plus what seems like endless                                                         Faye’s father and of his ambi-                             herself that day. She
                             to personally interview?            edits and corrections. The whole                                         Faye matching her   tions for the quarry and his                            loved children. She
                I would like to be able to interview Buster Wilson   publishing effort was an interest-                                   handprint        family.                                                    invited the whole
                when he had not been drinking and ask questions   ing learning process and much                                              Photo by Dan Wray                                                        school over for par-
                about growing up in Red Rock Canyon, his family   more complicated than I imagined.   My name is Buster Wilson and I am the                                                 Bonnie at the Petting Zoo  ties. She loved ani-
                and Native American cultural sites. While I would   I was lucky to have recruited a   most fascinating man in this book.  You also wrote an amazing chapter on Bonnie              Photo by Mary Sue Kunz  mals and the petting
                record everything he said, I could hopefully deter-  great volunteer team/staff of writ-                   UNLV Archives  McGaugh Levinson – the “Bonnie” of Bonnie                                  zoo is where she can
                mine fact from fiction – to separate the wheat from   ers, editors and reviewers who                                      Springs. Much of your research was based on       combine the love of both.
                the chaff so to speak.                           guided the book through completion.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (Continued on page 14)

               the Rock - Volume 6 Issue 1                                                                                                                                                                                   Fall 2015
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