Page 15 - fall the rock 2015
P. 15

14  Friends oF red rock canyon                                           Friends oF red rock canyon                15
 Characters (continued from page 13)

 You investigated the history   had to put in to homestead Pine Creek. The idea   Every park needs some kids
 of Pine Creek Canyon. What   of building the road into their property by hand and
 impressed you the most? In   planting what they did showed the pioneer spirit
 your description of the Wil-  well. Today there is no evidence of any of what Mr.   Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell launches the
 son Homestead, you men-  Wilson planted. In fact, one of the people I inter-
 tion how this was originally   viewed said he couldn’t recognize the place today   “Every Kid in a Park” program at Red Rock Canyon.
 a working farm with fruit   from what it was in 1969-1971. The Wilsons both   By Sue Kolar and Chuck Williams
 trees, watermelon patches   stand out because of the work that went into creat-
 Norm Kresge  and grape arbors. Are there   ing the house and farm they had in Pine Creek. I   Photos by C. Williams
 any remnants of the farm   was also pleased to know how the name Mescalito
 today? Was there one personality that stood out?   came about as the name of the peak in Pine Creek.  n Wednesday, September   head fourth grade
             O2, two busloads of fourth                                                  wrangler with help
 I was impressed the most by the effort the Wilsons   graders from the Preparatory       from the BLM and
             Institute, School for Academic                                              RRCIA staffs.
             Excellence at Charles I. West                                               Before and after the
 Your chapters compiled the   bery interest me, but I wondered how the 34 carat   Hall attended the festivities at   program Secretary
 history of Blue Diamond,   diamond was only 33.19 carats after it was recov-  the amphitheater at the Visitor   Jewell most gra-
 Spring Mountain Ranch and   ered and restored. The diamond was Asscher cut   Center. The students raised   ciously took time to
 the Blue Diamond Mines.   with two baguettes. After it was recovered in 1959, it   their hands enthusiastically   visit with BLM and
 What was the most interest-  was described as 33.6 carats; in 1968 at the Krupp   to answer questions such as:   RRCIA staffs as
 ing fact that you uncovered   Estate Auction, it was described as 33.19 carats.   “What is the highest moun-  well as volunteers.
 in your research?   The nearly half carat difference was explained by   tain in the U.S.?” (Someone   Welcome to the kids in the park
 the fact that when originally examined, it was in   guessed Mt. Charleston), “Have you been to Red   When introduced to members representing Friends
 The most interesting fact I   its setting. When it was restored, it was out of its   Rock before?” (Many said yes!) and “Do you want   of Red Rock Canyon, Friends of Sloan as well as
 Linda McCollum   uncovered was about the   setting and cleaning and polishing would account   a free pass to all the federal lands for your family?   Friends of Nevada Wilder-
 (Krupp Diamond)
 theft of the Krupp Diamond   for the difference. I guess you have to be careful in   (A big YES).  ness, she stated that having a
 from Spring Mountain Ranch   cleaning and polishing a large diamond or you might   Friends group was once con-  “Having a Friends
 Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
 resident Vera Krupp in 1959. Not only did the rob-  lose nearly half a carat.   After the program, the children were bussed to   sidered a luxury for agencies   group was once
             Lost Creek and divided into two groups. One     but now they are necessary for   considered a luxury
             group started hiking from the west trailhead and   agency survival.            for agencies but now
 You edited the book and   Bill Morgan is my favorite scoundrel and lucky for   the second from the east trailhead. Secretary   Beginning September 1, 2015,   they are necessary
 wrote a chapter on the   him, he was married to Edith Morgan, my favor-  Jewell hiked out with one group and back with   all 10-year old children (fourth   for survival.”
 mines of Red Rock Canyon.   ite saint. In October 1912 Bill was working on his   the other so all were able to enjoy hiking with   graders) in the United States   Sally Jewell
 Based on your knowledge   shotgun when the gun accidentally went off and   the Secretary. BLM Ranger Kate Sorom was the   can download a voucher to
 of the book, who was your   shot Edith causing serious injuries to her arm, jaw   gain unlimited,
 favorite Seeker? Who was   and teeth. She recovered and forgave him and they   free access to any federal lands or
 your favorite Scoundrel?   had a long, happy marriage even as Bill pushed the   waters for a year. The paper voucher
 Who was your least favorite   limits of the law on several occasions.  can be exchanged for a more durable,
 Scoundrel?                                                             Interagency Annual Fourth Grade Pass
 Sharon Schaaf  The four men who robbed Bonnie Levinson while           at Red Rock Canyon and other federal
 My favorite seeker is T.P.   she was pregnant with her first child are my least   sites. The pass covers everyone in the
 Rhea. He loved Red Rock Canyon with its beautiful   favorite scoundrels. The leader of the gang had   vehicle at Red Rock Canyon; and for
 scenery and rocks. He only wanted to mine enough   been casing her bar/restaurant for over a year and    sites that charge per person, up to three
 to provide a good income for his family. He passed   knew where she kept her gun. The gang picked a   accompanying adults will be admitted
 on that appreciation for Red Rock Canyon to his   time when Bonnie was alone and stole her gun, the   free with the fourth grader.
 daughters.  day’s take and all the liquor they could carry. They             For more information visit
 were eventually caught.  Ranger Kate gets our kids in the park settled

 the Rock - Volume 6 Issue 1                                                                      Fall 2015
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