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16 Friends oF red rock canyon Friends oF red rock canyon 17
Friends Protect... Pompeys Pillar and covering the surface of the protect the site and return it once Getting There:
butte with drawings and carvings.
more to public ownership.
The most beautiful place I never heard of By Penny Feltner Native Americans called the In 1991, the Committee’s The Pillar overlooks the Yellow-
Pillar “Iishbiiammaache,” which
Photos from Friends of Pompeys Pillar
translates to “the place where the efforts paid off when the BLM stone River about 25 miles east
mountain lion lies.” purchased Pompeys Pillar and the of Billings, Montana. The area is
I moved to Billings, Montana in early 2015 from Cincinnati, Ohio. Prior to my When President Thomas Jefferson surrounding lands. Improvements easily accessible from Interstate
arrival, I’d heard of Yellowstone National Park. I’d heard of Glacier National purchased the Louisiana Territory, were made to the site to ensure 94, using exit 23, or from Mon-
public safety, a modest visitor’s
Park. I’d heard of Little Bighorn and Custer’s Last Stand and the Lewis and Pompeys Pillar was part of the center was built, and in 1992, tana Highway 312. The Pillar is
Clark Trail. I had never heard of Pompeys Pillar. What I soon discovered public domain. By the early Pompeys Pillar was reopened a sandstone butte or mesa and
was that many long-time Montanans might have heard of it, but didn’t know 1900s, the Dawes Act had to the public. Having achieved covers about two acres at its base
much more about Pompeys Pillar than I did. parceled the land surrounding its initial goal, the Committee and stands about 150 feet high.
Pompeys Pillar into Native renamed itself the Pompeys Because it is the only sandstone
American allotments. After years Pillar Historical Association and outcrop on the south side of the
hat is it, exactly? It’s Pacific Coast. Clark named the trail today as it did over 200 of being farmed by the Macer, made its new role to support
Wa big rock. A big rock the feature “Pompey’s Tower” years ago. and then the Tschida families, the the site with fundraising and Yellowstone River for several
of tremendous historical in honor of Sacagawea’s son Such a prominent site became private land when it volunteers. In 2001, thanks to miles in either direction, it has
significance and cultural memory. Jean Baptiste landscape feature, was sold to the Foote family. The the efforts of the Pompeys Pillar been a landmark for centuries.
Pompeys Pillar is a 150-foot Charbonneau, however, was noticed Footes, recognizing the historical Historical Association and other
tall sandstone butte and the site whom he had by humans long significance of William Clark’s local and state organizations, the Penny Feltner is an AmeriCorps
of the last remaining physical nicknamed before Captain Clark signature on their property, site gained National Monument VISTA serv-
evidence of the Lewis and Clark “Pomp.” On the happened upon it. opened the site to visitors and status by a proclamation signed ing with the
Expedition. Part of the original face of the rock, Native Americans had worked to achieve National by President William Jefferson Friends of
Louisiana Purchase in 1803, Captain William recognized the site as Landmark status for Pompeys Pompeys Pil-
Pompeys Pillar was stumbled Clark carved his sacred for centuries, Pillar in 1965. lar. She earned
upon by Captain William Clark name and the date, July 25, 1806; likely conducting rituals there her Master’s
on his return journey from the and this signature appears on In the late 1980s the Footes
wanted to sell their property, Degree in
and a group of community Environmental
Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
members came together to Science from
form what would become the Interior of Interpretive Center Miami University and has pub-
Committee for the Preservation lished research on sustainable
of Pompeys Pillar. Their primary Clinton. The Association agriculture in several academic
concern was that Pompeys Pillar didn’t stop there, and got to journals. Upon completion of her
should remain open to the public work raising funds for a new
after the Footes left. Partnering interpretive center, which was VISTA service, Penny will begin
with public agencies, including completed and opened in 2006, national service as a Peace Corps
the Bureau of Land Management just in time for the Lewis and volunteer, working to promote
(BLM), they explored ways to environmental sustainability on
(Continued on page 21) farms in Jamaica.
Find out more about the Friends of
Friends Protect Series
Photo by Bob Wick - BLM accomplishments of other Friends and Partner groups associated Like them on Face-
Pompeys Pillar at
This article is the ninth in a series highlighting the
with the National Conservation Lands. There are over 55 nonprofit
book! www.face-
organizations, very similar to Friends of Red Rock Canyon, who
preserve and protect their own special places. They educate
and advocate to ensure that the lands will remain as pristine as
the Rock - Volume 6 Issue 1 possible for our future generations to love and enjoy. Fall 2015