Page 21 - fall the rock 2015
P. 21

20  Friends oF red rock canyon                                           Friends oF red rock canyon                21
 The votes are in...  Pompeys Pillar (continued from page 17)                  and learn more than I ever

                                               programming and tours to
                Clark Bicentennial Celebration.
 By Pat Williams  Member approved budget 2015/2016  With these projects complete,   visitors, and supporting the BLM  thought I would about a place I’d
                the Pompeys Pillar Historical   in its management of the site.   never heard of.
 riends members approved a   staff attended the meeting, hosted   INCOME ITEMS  Association began a new   The Friends of Pompeys Pillar   I encourage everyone to pay a
 Fnew operating budget, several   by Bonnie Springs Old Nevada.    License Plate Revenue  $53,000   chapter and settled into its role   are hard at work, actively   visit, whether you’re just passing
 cash policies and elected two board   President Chuck Williams informed    Savings Account  $45,000   as a support organization. With   improving interpretive signage,   through or you’ve lived in the
 members at the September 19  An-  the group of our financial status as    Sales Coin Machines  $25,000   one more transformation, the   recruiting new volunteers,   area all your life. Visitors can
 nual Meeting and Election. Brenda   well as member and organizational    Membership Dues  $12,000   Association renamed itself the   and raising funds to support   walk along interpretive paths,
 Jackson - incumbent Treasurer and   accomplishments – Please note    Other Donations  $6,785   Friends of Pompeys Pillar in   Pompeys Pillar. At the National   hike to the top of Pompeys Pillar
 Patricia Potter - Secretary candi-  the impressive volunteer statistics    Donation Boxes  $6,000   Monument as well as off-site, the  and see Clark’s signature. The
 date were unanimously elected to   below.   REI Grant - Trail Signs  $5,000   organization hosts and sponsors   Interpretive Center houses fun
 two-year terms of office.    Walkway  $4,800   events to share the history    exhibits and a gift store, and
 Patricia will start her new   Carla Wise, BLM Wildlife    Merchandise Sales  $4,650   of Pompeys Pillar with the
 position at the beginning   Biologist, presented an in-   Graffiti Removal RRCIA  $1,700   public. In the spring of 2016,
                                               the Friends hope to launch a
 of our new Fiscal Year on   formed and well-received    Photo Contest   $1,300   new educational program that
 October 1.  overview about the band-   Banquet Sales/Raffle Tickets  $800   will provide in-class visits
 ing program that tracks the    Interest Income/Credit Card Rebate  $660   to schools and educational
 Almost 100 members,   hummingbirds who live    REI Gift Wrap  $500   Lewis and Clark Days  resources for teachers.
 guests and Bureau of   at or migrate through Red   TOTAL INCOME  $167,195
 Land Management (BLM)   Rock Canyon.   EXPENSE ITEMS  2012, with its new mission to   I’ve been astounded by the
                                               enthusiasm and commitment
  Administration  $65,750   “protect and preserve Pompeys   that a group of community   Making a difference
                Pillar National Monument
  Ambassador/Ask Me  $200                      volunteers can have for a small                       Photo by BLM
                through education, interpretation
  Canyon Clean Up  $690                        monument.
                and special projects.” The
  Communications  $4,300   Friends didn’t miss a beat in   As a transplant, I’m a little late   educational programs and tours
  Computer Services  $7,400   keeping up their involvement   to the game; but that’s been   are currently available from May
  Cultural Resources  $500   with the Monument. Today the   no reason for me to stay away.   to September.
 Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
  General Operating Fund  $29,320   organization is responsible for   I’ve taken advantage of the   It is truly a site to see, and thanks
  Graffiti Removal  $1,900   running the Pompeys Pillar Gift   opportunity to see an amazing   to the Friends of Pompeys Pillar,
                Store, providing educational   site, meet knowledgeable people
  Grant Writing  $800                                                          anyone can see it.
  Historian  $100
  License Plate  $3,760
               Sharon’s Slant (continued from page 5)
  Magazine  $7,825
 Friends of Red Rock Canyon will main-  This reserve is currently held at Wells    Member & Volunteer Events  $3,685   the poor of their El Monte   like “The   There are also photos from the
 tain $100,000.00 in a Money Market   Fargo Bank. This fund may not be ac-   Member Services  $2,900   community. Someone,   Lone   author’s family album, recipes,
 account in case of emergency conditions.   cessed without member vote.    Native Plant Team  $5,665   though, keeps stealing   Ranger”   websites for more information
  Natural Resources  $2,000   part of the money they               and “Tales   about places mentioned in the
 Friends may spend up to $50,000 for   December 31, 2016 will remain in the    Photo Contest  $1,625   have raised and the pair   of the   book and samples from an
 Red Rock Canyon NCA capital im-  license plate account. The allocation is    Policy Review Committee  $100   work to figure out who   Texas   activity book that goes along
 provements/major improvements from   separate from the Operating Budget and    Procurement  $3,375   it is.  Rangers.”   with the series.
 the License Plate Revenue.  Funds not   may only be spent/allocated by Board    Recruiting  $100   The book is more than   There is   The other three books in the
 spent/allocated from October 1, 2015 to   vote.   REI Grant Trail Signs  $5,000   a mystery. It is also a   even a   series are “Scary Spring,”

  Special Events & Work Projects  $10,000   wonderful look back at   Glossary   “Sinister Summer,” and
                                                                   of 1950s
  Tortoise Habitat  $1,000   what the holidays were                             “Ferocious Fall.” They are
 If Friends should receive any additional   Operating Budget and may only be    Transportation  $8,000   like for those of us who   Words; my   available on Amazon or on
 funding from grants or other donations,   spent/allocated by a Board vote.   Walkway  $1,200   grew up in the 50s. The   favorite is   the author’s website: www.
 the funds will be separate from the   children watch TV shows     “cooties.”
 TOTAL EXPENSE  $167,195

 the Rock - Volume 6 Issue 1                                                                      Fall 2015
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