Page 23 - fall the rock 2015
P. 23

22  Friends oF red rock canyon

 Making Friends   By Mary E. Labie

 Every once in a while, we come across a special story about how someone came

 to be a member of Friends of Red Rock Canyon.

 eet Betsy Floit who   Red Rock Canyon was Betsy’s
 Mbecame a new mem-  cup of tea. She is now a mem-
 ber of Friends in July. Here is   ber who plans to revisit and is
 her story: Betsy and her sister-  hoping that there is a volunteer
 in-law, Pam, were on a cross-  project she can help with during
 country trek, visiting cities such   her stay. After leaving Las Vegas,
 as New Orleans, San Antonio,   they continued on their vacation
 Los Angeles, and decided to   through Colorado. Betsy and
 make an unplanned stop in Las   Pam had a wonderful trip; and,
 Vegas. They found their way to   lucky for us, they decided to pay
 Red Rock Canyon and loved it.   Red Rock Canyon a visit.
 Betsy was especially impressed
 with the Photo Contest dis-  Welcome to the Friends of Red
 play. She chose her “winner,”   Rock Canyon, Betsy.
 a photo by Joe Pohle named   Betsy (L) & Pam discovering the Rock
 “Faith.”    Courtesy photo from Betsy Floit  Betsy resides in Danvers, Il-
 linois, with her husband, Harry.
 It was a short trip, they were only   They have four daughters and six
 Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
 in Las Vegas for two nights but   grandchildren.

 Let Friends help with your holiday shopping through gifts of membership. Lucky
 recipients will enjoy these gifts long after the holidays are over.

 Gift packages include a gift greet-  Visitor Center. In addition, there   and mailing.
 ing card, member ID card, 2016   is a 25% discount entitlement on
 Visions of Red Rock calendar, a   purchases, except books, made at   All listed benefits apply for if you
 current issue of the Rock maga-  the Friends of Red Rock Canyon   renew a previous gift membership.
 zine and other new member gifts.   website store, the Red Web: www.    Need further information or have
 As members, they will receive the   questions? Contact me for details:
 magazine on a quarterly basis and   Gift memberships for holiday
 will be entitled to a 25% discount   giving need to be ordered no later
 on regularly priced merchandise,   than December 10 in order to
 except books, at Elements Gift   provide enough time for assembly                Susam, nost, saperovid quam facia-
 and Book Store, located in the                                                  sitatur alit exero beaque lam, quam,
                                                                                  corro corpos iur, sundae nobitatque
                                                                               sunto dolore nimil idus repe ped mag-
                                                                                                 nimp erciur, nonseq

 the Rock - Volume 6 Issue 1
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