Page 18 - fall the rock 2015
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18       Friends oF red rock canyon                                                                                                                                                     Friends oF red rock canyon                 19

         Canyon Cleanup - Talking Trash                                                            By Sharon Schaaf                    have found money on the trails,     almost every session. My husband

                                                                                                                                       from coins to a twenty-dollar
                                                                                                                                                                           John found a car radio by the
                                                                                                   Photos by Liz Carmer
                                                                                                                                       bill. Found money goes into         Visitor Center Fee Station last
                                                                                                                                       the Friends donation box at the     year, and he reminded me that we
             As a longtime member of the Canyon Clean-Up Team, I know that we always find                                              Visitor Center.                     always find bags of dog poop on
             some unique “treasures” as we work. At our work session this past April, Dwight                                                                               the trails…all bagged up and left
             Hempel happened upon one of our most unique finds - an anonymous thank you                                                Coming in right behind the          for “someone” to pick up.
             letter to God. It got the group remembering some of the other “treasures” we have                                         cigarette butts for frequency
             found in the past.                                                                                                                                            Janis Kadlec led the group for
                                                                                                                                                                                       several years
                                                                                                                                                                                       and remembers
             Red Springs seems to be           could probably fund trail repair   bananas, ate it and left the peel                                                                    a member of the
             the best place to find one-of-    at Red Rock Canyon for the next   on the ground next to the truck.                                                                      Cleanup Crew
             a-kind trash. Volunteers have     five years! And if it’s shiny and   Recently, the wash at First Creek                                                                   finding something
             found a car bumper, two trash     brown, it’s probably part of a    yielded a suitcase. This is not                                                                       big wrapped in a
             bags full of rotting packaged     broken beer bottle, thrown over   the first time we’ve found a                                                                          blanket. Not sure
             meat, several dead animals,       the side of the Overlook wall.    suitcase and they’re not always                                                                       what it was, she
             men’s and women’s underwear,      A truck carrying our supplies     empty. It’s a little scary to open                                                                    reported it to the
             jeans, condoms, diapers, a man’s   of pickers, gloves, trash bags,   one since you never know what                                                                        Bureau of Land      Lauretta Coleman and no beer
             watch, champagne glasses with     water, bananas and fruit snacks   might be inside. And yes, we                                                                          Management
             a bottle and a backpack with a    is always parked where we work.                                                                                                         (BLM). Law            large for us to haul-out or items
             smartphone inside.                It is left open to                                                                                                                      enforcement           that might pose a danger such as
                                                                                                                                                                                       handled it and
                                                                                                                                                                                                             a weapon.  Any damage or graffiti
             The Overlook is another area we   keep the cleaners                                                                                                                       found that it was a   that the crew spots on the trails is
             often clean. It is the place for   hydrated or for                                                                   Do we search for the rest of the car?                dead dog.                         also reported.
             cigarette butts and sometimes     use if they need a
             even marijuana joints. Some of    break during the                                                                        are the receipts from paying                                                       We enjoy our
      Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
             the bushes that ring the parking   90 minute work                                                                         the fee at the entry booth and                                                     work knowing that
             lot look like ashtrays. If the crew   session. This                                                                       those dental floss picks. Another                                                  we have made a
             had $1 for every butt we’ve       past summer,                                                                            frequent find are orange peels,                                                    positive difference
             picked up over the years, we      someone took                                                                            empty and full water bottles and                                                   for Red Rock
                                               one of our                                                                              empty beer bottles – no one ever                                                   Canyon. We get
                                                                                                                                       leaves a full beer bottle behind.                                                  thank you’s all the
                                                                                                                                       The cleaners at Red Springs                                                        time from hikers,
                                                                                                                                       even found coconuts during one                                                     tourists and bikers.
                                                                                                                                       work session. Occasionally there
                                                                                                                                       are toys. We have found metal                                                      Doing the work is
                                                                                                                                       and plastic toy cars, buckets and                                                  our pleasure and to
                                                                                                                                       shovels, all sorts of balls and     The Cleanup Crew is ready for action           all of you who visit
                                                                                                                                       even a plastic fighter jet.                                           Red Rock Canyon, “you are very
                                                                                                                                       Lauretta Coleman found a small      Liz Carmer leads the group now    welcome!”
                                                                                                                                       animal jawbone a few years          and it falls on her to report things
                                                                                                                                       ago - maybe a fox, and Karen        we find that need to be reported
                                                                                                                                       Cunningham finds bailing wire       to BLM. This includes objects too

                                Letter to God                                                                                                                                You can join the Canyon Cleanup Team! Contact Liz Carmer at
                                                                                                                                                                        for more details

               the Rock - Volume 6 Issue 1                                                                                                                                                                                   Fall 2015
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