Page 13 - fall 2018
P. 13

12 Friends oF red rock canyon                                                 Friends oF red rock canyon     13

                                                Take a Hike (continued from page 10

                                                  There's usually water in the creek here, and it can be slippery going
                                                with wet boots. There is a climbing wall on the left side of the trail.
                                                It's heavily coated with desert varnish. If you're here when someone
                                                is rock climbing, you can watch them and wonder what they were

                                                 Wherever you make your turn back to the car, First Creek is an
 By Norm Kresge                                 enjoyable, scenic hike. Make it as long or short as you want.

 ne of the most popular trails in Red   and going into an area where a fire did much
 ORock Canyon is First Creek. It is an   damage. Keep walking the trail and enjoy the   Getting there:
 easy/moderate hike that has little eleva-  view of the Red Rock Escarpment and look
 tion gain. Be aware that the trail is rocky   to First Creek Canyon.  First Creek is the last parking
 in places; in others places there are uneven   area along the Escarpment on
 sandstone layers that need to be hiked over.   In about one mile, there's a junction in the   SR 159 before you get to Spring
 This should not be a problem if you take your   trail. If you want to see the usually dry wa-  Mountain Ranch State Park. It is
 time.  terfall area, take the right fork and it will lead   outside the fee area. If you go on
 to the edge of the wash where First Creek   a weekend, go early. The parking
 From the trail-  comes alive when it rains. There is a trail   spots fill quickly.
 head along SR   along the rock wall leading down to the falls.
 159, go through   The best time to see water is in the winter and
 the animal bar-  after a rain. The waterfall can be very nice,
 rier fence and   albeit not that tall.
 Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
 follow the well-
 defined trail into   After coming out of the wash from visit-
 the wash and up   ing the falls, get back on the main trail. From
 the other side. If there is running water in the   here, the rest of the hike is up to you. Most
 wash, do the hike a different day. This is not   people turn around after seeing the falls and it
 a place to be if there's a possibility of flash   makes about a 2.5 mile round trip hike. If you
 flooding.  continue into First Creek Canyon, the going
 gets a bit rougher but you can continue for
 On the other   quite a distance.
 side of the
 wash, the trail is   If you go far
 defined by some   enough, you
 large wood posts   come to an area
 that have heavy   where you have
 wire running be-  to rock scramble
 tween them. The   and work your
 idea for this was   way around large
 to keep people   boulders. This is
 from explor-  for the hiker with
 ing off the trail   experience.

 “Lost Creek” by Cheryl Hobbs

 the Rock - Volume 9 Issue 1                                                                       FALL 2018
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