Page 10 - fall 2018
P. 10
10 Friends oF red rock canyon Friends oF red rock canyon 11
Susan Gonzalez The Friends’ staff
agrees. must continuously
communicate with
She recently joined and help coordinate
the staff as Program the work of Friends’
Associate and did not many volunteer teams
know of Friends until a and their very engaged
neighbor, new President leaders, including Light
Patricia Potter, told her Trail Maintenance, Nat-
about the organization. ural Resources, Can-
“I’ve loved Red Rock yon Cleanup, Graffiti
By Glenn Ritt Canyon since I moved Removal and Tortoise
here 11 years ago from Habitat.
California,” Susan says. Susan Gonzalez, Program Associate “We’re very fortu-
“When we bought our nate to work side-by-
risti Weeks and Susan Gonzalez are writing grants. Her overture was immediately “I love representing Friends and getting home, we didn’t want a view of the Strip. We side with the BLM, sharing their offices,”
Kthe heartbeats of Friends. welcomed; so much so that she became a the word out about our mission and what we wanted a view of mountains. We live only 10 says Susan. “It leads to easy communications
member of the board for nearly a year before do day in and day out,” she explains. “I’m minutes from the Visitor Center.” and cooperation.”
Together they dedicate nearly 60 hours moving to a paid staff position. very excited about our new website because
each week to keeping all cylinders firing it will significantly boost our profile, let us Susan frequently This role intensifies when
– from writing grants that fund Friends’ proj- Among the grants she has helped shepherd: share the amazing amount of information, brings her grandchil- I was so impressed by events such as National Public
ects to continuously working with the Bu- knowledge and insight we possess about dren to Red Rock “all the volunteers Lands Day, Make a Difference
reau of Land Management (BLM) and other • $2,000 from the National Environmental Red Rock Canyon and hopefully attract new Canyon for picnics and who were picking up trash, Day and Red Rock Day arrive.
partners who share our mission to protect and Education Foundation for Public Involve- members and volunteers.” hopes they inherit her
sustain Red Rock Canyon National Conserva- ment Days. passion. “They love improving the landscape, “Friends has a huge role to
tion Area. • $10,000 total from REI for trail signage. World Ranger Day and cleaning up graffiti and play for these special days,” ex-
the Torts party.”
plains Kristi, “from promotion of
caring for the tortoises.”
Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
Kristi Weeks, Friends’ Executive Director, • $10,000 from the Commission for the the events to purchasing supplies,
is responsible for day-to-day operations of the Las Vegas Centennial for publication of “Taking this job has Kristi Weeks including food, to helping recruit
organization, reporting directly to the board. “Seekers, Saints & Scoundrels,” the book been among the best and coordinate volunteers.”
Kristi was a stay-at-home mom five years ago written by Friends’ members. decisions I have ever made. This is never just
when she decided she wanted to volunteer at • A whopping $135,000 from the National a job. It’s a passion,” she marvels from her “Our three organizations truly mesh for
the Visitor Center, where she frequently took Fish and Wildlife Foundation for the office desk while processing a new Friends’ a common mission,” says Susan. “We are
her family. “I thought ‘What a great way to Southern Nevada Milkweed Mapping, membership application. She leapfrogs from always addressing big issues that require
learn about Red Rock Canyon and working Seed Production and Distribution Project, one duty to another – still finding time to understanding and cooperation.”
the information desk would be perfect.’” a grant opportunity she discovered on answer questions of Friends’ members as
Facebook. well as visitors who want to know where to
At the time, Kristi, who go mountain biking or how they can locate
has a Masters’ degree in our desert tortoises.
geography and natural re- Taking this job has Working closely with their
source management, didn’t “been among the best partners is a priority for the Her job is multi-dimensional, ranging
even know of Friends. That decisions I have ever made. Friends’ staff. In addition to from maintaining the membership database
quarterly meetings involving
soon changed. “I was so im- This is never just a job. It’s to overseeing the planning of Friends’ four
pressed by all the volunteers a passion.” representatives from Friends, Annual Meetings at Bonnie Springs Ranch, in
who were picking up trash, BLM and the Southern addition to working closely with the commit-
improving the landscape, Susan Gonzalez Nevada Conservancy, Kristi tee chairs and board members.
cleaning up graffiti and car- meets monthly with her Susan’s background in retail serves her well
ing for the tortoises,” she recalls. counterparts to continuously Kristi Weeks, Executive Director
review issues regarding Red Rock Canyon in a role that requires interactions not only
Eventually, she approached the Friends’ – from crime and safety to upcoming public with the board, members and volunteers, but
board and asked if they needed help events, to the status of wells and Wi-Fi. also partner organizations and the public.
the Rock - Volume 9 Issue 1 FALL 2018