Page 6 - fall 2018
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6 Friends oF red rock canyon Friends oF red rock canyon 7
Hughes Corporation, Summerlin Rotary Club, Sig- – from conceptualizing its content and structure
nature Real Estate Group, Downtown Summerlin to its actual design, which went through count-
and – of course – Bonnie Springs Ranch, which so less iterations that continue to this day. We were
graciously hosts our quarterly breakfasts. very fortunate to discover and choose PIMedia, a
local company owned by Debbie Harris and David
As you reach the bottom of the home page, you Mayne.
discover NEWS AND VIEWPOINTS again. These
are the three most recent postings for each section, PIMedia previously redesigned the Bonnie
and it is designed so you can return virtually every Springs website, and that is how we met the own-
day to stay abreast of the latest information about ers. From the first meeting on, they became true
Red Rock Canyon and Friends. partners who shared not only their significant
technical acumen but their passion for Red Rock
Finally, you will find a map of Red Rock Can- Canyon.
yon, which will be particularly helpful when you
are on the move and reliant on your phone. What you see now is a giant leap forward, but
By Glenn Ritt it is only the beginning. As you explore the new
Every page you visit will have this handy tool website, you will find things you like and others
bar at the top of the page so you can return to the that you can rightfully criticize. We would appre-
e have a new website that is far more THE HOME PAGE HOME page or navigate throughout the site. ciate hearing both the praise and the constructive
Wvisual, informative and interactive. criticism that will be needed for us to continuously
This is your launch site to the dozens of sections Also, at the top of the home page is your invita- improve to meet your interests
It’s designed not only for members and volun- in the new website. tion to visit us at Facebook, Instagram and You- and needs as members, volunteers and hosts of
teers, but also for visitors. We hope they will be so Tube, as well as the powerful SEARCH engine that guests and visitors you guide to Red Rock Canyon.
captivated they choose to join us. You will be greeted by rotating, vivid photo- will be very helpful given the volume of informa-
graphs sharing the breadth of Friends’ commit- tion and experiences you will encounter at friend- Share your thoughts directly to glenn@friendso-
This redesign actually began several years ago ment to Red Rock Canyon National Conservation or pat@friendsofredrockcan-
when Patricia Potter, our new president, and Cam Area. Here, you will be invited to JOIN, which – of
Camburn, a committee chair, developed a strategic course – is a priority. Development of the new website took months
marketing plan for Friends’ future.
Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
Scroll down on the home page, and you will
Among its priorities: bring the Red Rock Canyon be introduced to our desert tortoises. The origi- To help you easily discover all the worlds behind the home page, become comfortable with the toolbar
experience into our community; attract younger and nal design didn’t have these amazing creatures so at the top of the home page. It gives you access to everything within
more diverse members; educate visitors to enjoy all prominently displayed, but lots of discussion and Among its highlights:
its diversity while respecting its fragile natural en- critiques eventually pushed them to the fore. • ABOUT – Click here to find all information about and Nevada nature, online archives of previous
vironment; develop partnerships with other organi- the Friends’ organization including board offi- Friends’ magazines mailed to members, weather,
zations and businesses that share common interests Next you will find three worlds to explore: the cers, staff, committees and their chairs, financials, and directions.
and values. Scenic Loop, the Visitor Center and Trails. Each board minutes, and bus grants. You also will find
will take you to comprehensive and vivid content, a form to easily communicate with us online. • MEMBERS -– Various levels, how to join and the
The website’s expansion hopefully begins to ad- including photo galleries, geo-physical maps and • VISIT – Here you will encounter a dozen ways benefits of membership.
dress these strategic priorities while boasting the guided hikes. to get the most out of a visit, from trail maps and • NEWS – We’ve launched the site with nearly 100
most modern design tools and technologies. This directions to a comprehensive FAQ, places to eat, articles spanning nearly two dozen topics; and
includes a great deal of attention to how the site Scrolling down, you encounter the very important accommodations and other attractions. each week, new content will be published. In addi-
will be displayed on mobile phones and tablets, sections on Volunteering and Donating, where we tion to news, there is a VIEWPOINTS section that
which are used by the majority of users. encourage visitors to do both. • CALENDAR – Here you will find not only all of contains essays and opinion pieces.
Friends’ events, but also those hosted by our
A visit to will take you to Your next encounter will be three-fold: our partners, especially the Bureau of Land Manage- • SHOP – Come here for clothing, books and acces-
more than 50 unique sections filled with stories, custom Red Rock Canyon license plate – which ment and Southern Nevada Conservancy’s many sories, and enjoy your 25% member discount and
events, maps, photography and videos. The new represents our single largest revenue source – the hikes and activities. The goal is to be as compre- free (with $25 purchase) shipping.
site is designed to be continuously replenished with annual photo contest (enjoy the amazing latest hensive as possible so our members as well as the • MAIN MENU – This is a scroll down menu that
content carefully organized by dozens of topics to photographs submitted for our 2018 contest) and general public can rely on the Calendar as their lets you easily move between sections throughout
one-stop location.
make navigation as intuitive as possible. And if you our business partners (a number sure to grow as the website.
can’t quickly find what you’re looking for, rely on we reach out to them over coming months). We are • RESOURCES – Come here to find links to other
our powerful search engine. very grateful to our founding partners – the Howard websites with a connection to Red Rock Canyon
the Rock - Volume 9 Issue 1 FALL 2018