Page 2 - fall 2018
P. 2
Volunteers Protecting
Red Rock Canyon
Since 1984
In this issue... The mission of Friends of Red Rock Canyon is the preservation and enrichment of
Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area and the public lands of southern Nevada.
ou can meet our administrative staff, find and Roger share their experiences and successes with
Y out about the new Tortoise Habitat Coor- us on page 18.
dinator, figure out what to cook for dinner (when
the weather cools a bit more) and learn about The fall calendar of events is included on the back the Rock Staff
some of our flying denizens living at the Rock. page. There are some great, ongoing, volunteer oppor- Publishing/Lay-Out — Pat Williams 4 Welcome New Members Mary E. Labie
There’s also a sneak preview about our new web- tunities as well as Make a Difference Day in October. Articles Editor — Sharon Schaaf
Creative Editor — Rob Tuvell
site which will be launched in the coming weeks. And, please remember that the Thanksgiving week- Photographer — Roger Hembree 5 Sharon’s Slant Sharon Schaaf
You can also join Norm Kresge on the First Creek end at Red Rock will be extremely congested. Plan Editorial Committee
trail from the comfort of your home. on arriving very early if you’re hiking or bringing Cam Camburn 6
visiting family or friends to the Rock. Norm Kresge Three, Two, One. Launch the Website! Glenn Ritt
And we’ll be saying goodbye to Sue and Roger Joe & Mary Labie
Glenn Ritt
Kolar, past Tortoise Habitat Coordinators. Sue Pat Williams Sharon Schaaf 8 Canyon Cleanup Teen Style Dana S. Raborn
Rob & Marilyn Tuvell
Joan Urarro
The Election Results are in Articles for publication consideration should 9
be sent to news@friendsofredrockcanyon. Nature’s Connection - Red Rock Raptors Margie Klein
Friends members came together on September 15 to elect new board members, approve an operat- org or mailed to the Rock 1000 Scenic Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89161. Submissions for the
ing budget for the next fiscal year as well as special funding accounts. The new slate of officers and Rock should meet the thematic guidelines 10
as established by the editorial staff. All
directors are: submissions are subject to editing for The People Behind the Curtain Glenn Ritt
subject matter, length and relevance to Red
Patricia Potter – President Tom Lisby – Vice President Shari Young – Secretary Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. 12
the Rock is published quarterly by Friends Take a Hike - First Creek Norm Kresge
Pat Williams – Treasurer Brenda Jackson – Director Glenn Ritt – Director of Red Rock Canyon, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
organization, for the benefit of Friends
Rob J. Tuvell – Director members and supporters. Publication and 14
mailing costs are subsidized with limited
mission-specific advertising. Statements, Red Rock Hummingbirds Kristi Weeks
The board will also add two new members on October 1, 2018. opinions and points of view expressed by
writers are their own and may not reflect
those of Friends of Red Rock Canyon.
Our mission is the preservation and 16 Meet Chelsea Conlin Glenn Ritt
enhancement of Red Rock Canyon National
Conservation Area. Friends provides
The 2018/2019 operating budget as ap- volunteers and funding for projects such 18
proved by member vote on September 15. as environmental education, natural and Years of Fun in the Habitat Sue and Roger Kolar
cultural resource protection, teacher
The breakfast meeting was attended by more workshops, community volunteer work
days, transportation grants for Red
than 85 members and guests. Rock field trips and other services. The Cover - “Golden Mountains” by Gareth Pearson
organization receives no federal funds but
is provided with office space and telephone
service by the Bureau of Land Management.
The main office for Friends of Red Rock
Canyon is located in the Red Rock Canyon
National Conservation Area Administrative
Building, 1000 Scenic Drive Las Vegas, NV The Red Rock Torts will
be winding down for their
Annual individual membership is $25. Board
meetings are held on the Tuesday of each winter’s nap soon. The
month and general membership meetings
are held quarterly. Time and locations for days are getting cooler
the meetings may be obtained by calling
(702) 515-5360. (relatively speaking) and
For more information visit our website at the nights are getting or find us longer.
on Facebook.
Stop out to see them
soon. They generally
start brumation in late
October and return,
Find and like us on facebook.
refreshed and frisky, from
February on...
Our board -
Committee Chairs -