Page 13 - Orange County's Credit Union
P. 13
Orange County’s Credit Union
Ongoing Meetings
Though the minimum requirement for this program is quarterly meetings, as a mentor pair, you
may want to negotiate the relationship based on your individual needs.
Meeting Strategies:
RELATIONAL • Regular check-ins
AGREEMENT • Actively listen
• Ask for and give feedback so that the learning experience
is satisfactory and the pace is comfortable.
1. How much additional • Provide timely support and create appropriate challenges
time can be committed to facilitate learning.
to the relationship • Solicit feedback from other sources.
• Use time together productively.
2. What is the discussion
format? (formal, • Evaluate goals and deadlines throughout the process.
agendas, topic-driven, • Be willing to provide and receive feedback for
check-in conversations, reinforcement and development – and reflect on it.
etc) • Advise on what you know, don’t be afraid to admit what
3. Where will you keep all you don’t. Find other resources if you can’t provide
meeting documentation
(MAP, Bio’s, guidance.
Agreement, etc) • Don’t shy away from a difficult conversation. It is a safe
4. How will you evaluate place to talk.
progress, milestones, • Find ways to celebrate each small success!
and goals?
5. How will you define
OCCU Mentoring Guide: Expectations & Goals | 10