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Orange County’s Credit Union
The First Meeting
The first meeting is a chance to share excitement and expectations around the possibilities of
your relationship. Adequate preparation before and thoughtful self-reflection after your meeting
will ensure that the relationship gets off to the right start.
Remember that the focus of your first meeting is for you to get to know one another better. While
potential development areas can be discussed, the goal is to establish trust and build rapport.
Mentee Preparation
• Review your Mentor’s Get-to-Know-You information
o What else would you like to know about your Mentor?
o What else are you prepared to share about yourself to build trust and rapport?
• Think about which “focus area” you would like to work on
o Reflect on consistent feedback received in the last year (reinforcement and
o What assignments/projects have you liked the most? Found to be most
o What are 2 to 3 things you’d like to accomplish this year? Long term?
o Is there anything in your Developmen Plan that you’d like to share or focus on in this
o Begin to design your Mentoring Action Plan that you will share with your Mentor
following your first meeting
Mentor Preparation
• Review your Mentee’s Get-to-Know-You information
o Think about questions you would like to ask and additional information you would
like to know about your Mentee
o Familiarize yourself with Mentor guidelines
• Reflect on your role
o How can you make the greatest impact in this relationship?
o How will you know that mentoring is providing value?
OCCU Mentoring Guide: Expectations & Goals | 9