Page 7 - Orange County's Credit Union
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Orange County’s Credit Union
                                                                       One-on-One Mentoring

           The  Mentorship Program  is  comprised of  multiple development components, yet the primary
           focus is One-on-One Mentoring.

           Meeting Objectives and Requirements:

               Meetings  Meet a minimum of once per quarter for one hour

              Check-Ins  Develop a cadence and modality for checking in regularly

             Agreement  Create a working Mentorship agreement between Mentor and Mentee
            Relationship  Establish trust and confidentiality

                 Support  Assist and challenge Mentee in areas of focus

           5 Areas of Focus for Mentees

             Style                Career               Craft                Life                 World

             •Assessing           •Planning career     •Developing          •Maintaining         •Developing
              personal             growth               functional or        work/life balance    awareness
              presentation        •Navigating goals     technical skill     •Managing life       •Getting involved
              style                and strategies      •Innovating and       changes

             •Communicating       •Honing               achieving           •Dealing with        •Sustaining
              effectively          organizational       excellence           competing
             •Influencing Key      understanding                             demands

                                   “A mentor is not someone who walks ahead of
                                  you to show you how they did it.  A mentor walks
                                   alongside you to show you what you can do.”

                                                                         OCCU Mentoring Guide: Expectations & Goals | 4
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