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Orange County’s Credit Union
What is Mentorship?
Mentorship is a recognized method for encouraging professional development. Recent research
shows that the best run companies have a diverse mix of talented employees. With this in mind,
Orange County’s Credit Union believes it is vital to retain and continue to facilitate the growth of
our Associates by augmenting the existing tools and skills they have in order for them to continue
to be successful.
Objectives of the Program:
• Help participants identify and achieve career development and personal growth goals
that support business objectives
• Support building a bench of leaders who have knowledge, skills, and abilities
• Foster higher levels of engagement and career vision
• Equip participants with the tools necessary to perform to their highest capability
• Create opportunities to meet and partner with others of different job titles, descriptions, or
cultural boundaries
• Create a culture that sees mentorship as an effective way of developing Associates,
Teams, and the organization
Credit Union Values
Our Mentorship Program is centered around our Credit Union Values as they guide the way we
act both in and out of the relationship.
Keeping the following values in mind during all interactions will support mentoring success:
Mutual Growth & High
Integrity Fun
Respect Development Performance
Respect every
Generate positive
Be honest and person for their Support w hole-life Generate ideas and energy, enthusiasm,
solutions by thinking
transparent unique skills, talents, learning outside the box and laughter
and contributions
Apply strategic
Be ethical and do Foster the best in Participate in thinking and ask Collaborate and
others through
the right thing honest feedback ongoing coaching "w hy?" celebrate success
Make decisions that Understand that Show initiative Be accountable for
are good for the individual strengths through the taking action and Promote w ork-life
Member and build collective independent pursuit making great things balance
Membership successes of know ledge happen
OCCU Mentoring Guide: Expectations & Goals | 3