P. 4

                          12 MM TWİN SCREW EXTRUDER

                                               12 mm tw�n screw extruder has 24 L/D barrel. The barrel �s
                                               des�gned  as  one  p�ece,  res�stant  to  h�gh  temperatures.  Every
                                               zones’ heaters works by �ts own socket. Th�s makes poss�ble to
                                               redes�gn the screw and barrel conf�gurat�on for the best m�x�ng
                                               and d�spers�on.

    12 mm tw�n screw extruder �s des�gned on a s�ngle table. Des�gned for allows test�ng w�th raw mater�al as m�n�mum as poss�ble.
    Allows the process�ng of valuable polymers by segmented screw and barrel des�gn. The screw elements of the extruder can be
    redes�gned for any d�fferent appl�cat�on by chang�ng knead�ng, m�x�ng and cutt�ng elements.

                       CONTROL PANEL
                       Extruder control panel �s des�gned for easy use. The screw and feed�ng’s speeds can be adjusted,
                       pressure and other parameters can be seen by 10' touch screen. The values �n the formulas can be
                       saved to the  memory. By the way, you can call the formulas stored �n the memory by typ�ng the�r
                       number or name and get the mach�ne ready for use. Extruder electr�cal panel �s located at the bottom
                       of the table.


                       Conveyor belt or water bath systems can be used for cooling in the extrusion line. There are two
                       options with the machine. First, standard granule cutting, second is granule size adjustable model as
                       optional. (0.5, 1, 2, 3, mm)

                       TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS       GM TWIN 12/24
                       SCREW DIAMETER     mm               12
                       BARREL LENGTH      L/D              24
                       SCREW SPEED        RPM             0-300
                       INSTALLED POWER    kW               2
                       TEMPERATURE        °C          300 �450 opt�onal�
                       TORQUE             NM              1x15
                       MIN. FEEDING       gr./hr          100
                       MAX. CAPACITY (PP)  kg/hr.          1,5
                       COOLING WATER     lt./m�n.          1

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